Originally Posted by westpointer
Okay, what have you done so far? Did you follow these directions:
Copy the following files to your server in the forums directory:
From the admincp, import the product file product-abouttoday.xml (Manage Products - Add/Import Product).
REFRESH your admincp window. You should now see a listing in the left column of the admincp for "AboutToday".
If yes, what do you get when you open abouttoday.php?
Okay, its working but im not sure if i did everything right, could you please check this through and let me know if it might casue me problems later.
I first uploaded the individual files to the forum directory (not the whole folders). I uploaded the product via teh admin CP. I then refreshed the browser and nothing happened, there was no new title on the left.
So then i i deleted all or most of the individual files in the forum directory. I then uploaded all the files again BUT this time i uploads the WHOLE 'includes' folder as it was in the zip file, so i didnt take the files out individually to upload as to the forums directory. I then closed and re-opened the browser and
the 'AboutToday' title was there on the left

I did the same with the adminCP folder, uploaded that too
Im not actually sure if the second procedure is what you meant (by uploading the whole folder).
Please tell me if this is correct? Thanks.