Originally Posted by jaks
I was thinking at the top of each category there could be a spot for it. There really is no need for it in addsite and editsite as far as I can tell. Javascript would really be defeating the purpose.
Main description for the topsite on the toplist.php and category descriptions at the top for each of the category pages. I'm thinking for solely for SEO purposes. It could go above or below the random site part.
A simple
<table class="thead" width="100%">
<tr><td colspan="2">Category title</td></tr>
<tr><td width="30%">Image here</td><td width="70">description here</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2">footer</td></tr>
Don't even really need the footer there. Just enough space for some text to re-enforce the keywords for the search engines. This would also give people some flexibility up top. Wrap it in an if statement for category description is null no block will show. If it parses html that would be a plus too.
I was also thinking it would be nice to have a featured site as an alternative to random if that's possible. Hehe... more work lol...
Ahh ok, I get it now. Also how would the featured site be selected? Would it be admin selectable or what?