Finally - my post was merely an observation based on a lack of response.
Thanks for sharing your observations and sorry for the inconvience with the lack of response. I just want to tell my part of the story so that I can be excused for this in the future too:
I used to be VERY active in vb.org a few years ago. I had a lot of hacks (I used to be second hacker with most hack releases) and I provided hundreds (literally) of hacks in vb2 hack requests forum for requests of other people. If I released all in these forums, believe me my hack count will be around 300-400.
However my business schedule does not allow me to spend more time in vb.org anymore even though I enjoy sharing hacks and helping others. So I stopped releasing new hack threads and attending to hack requests forum. I focussed supporting my existing hacks which are popular (like Webtemplates) since many people are dependant on it. But even this can be very time consuming and tiresome when your hack count is high, hacks are complicated and you get a lot of support questions via thread, email and PM system.
I have many other ready hacks which I use in my own board that can be popular if released here but I am afraid to release anymore (even if the are already coded) because I don't think I can spend time to give support to new hacks. Even if this is just answering questions.
Even the answer questions can sometimes be a problem. I give very detailed instructions, manuals, FAQs about my hacks to reduce number of help requests but this does not help much. Sometimes a user claim, there is a bug in the system, you check twice, exchange a lot of messages with the user, even get access info to test things yourself and then it figures that he just didn't read instructions well and missing an obvious step. Time wasted for nothing! Or you give an answer to a user but a month later another user asks the same question and says he doesn't have time to check if it is already answered in the thread. Like we have time to answer same questions everyday! ^^
Bottom line, I'm not in the position of supporting my hacks very well due to my busy schedule anymore. I can follow 2 paths:
1- I can remove all my hacks and don't release new ones.
2- I can release them as they are but without support.
I choose to follow the second path because I believe that this helps people who can use the hack without needing support. I'm aware people which needs help is not happy to not receive it in this scenario and I'm sorry for them but I still think this is better than removing all my hacks due to lack of time. I'm doing my best to give easy answers to questions when I can have time but I can not spare time to give a full support and cover all questions anymore. Sorry for this.