Originally Posted by tgreer
Dean... I think the "Town Hall" style threads are for when the site administration wants to propose a change or new policy. Everyone gets a crack at making one good, well thought-out response to that policy, without having to worry about getting flamed or the thread degenerating into a bash-fest. I think that's a very good thing!
However, I see nothing in this policy that says a member cannot start a Site Feedback thread, wherein they and other members can debate an issue to their hearts' content. The policy just says the STAFF won't do that - THEIR threads will be "Town Hall" style.
I know I've griped about the way the staff handles things here, as have others. If this is their response, then critics (such as myself) have to at least give it a chance to succeed before casting judgment. We can't gripe about the old way, and then gripe about the new way...
Yes, you are correct on the "Town Hall" type threads.
I'm not quite sure what you mean in your 2nd paragraph, can you clarify that further?