Originally Posted by freedom2support
Great plugin this. Exactly what one of our users was asking for. One problem I've noticed though is the textarea for editing the autoreply message appears too wide in Firefox:
It causes the box around the PM Auto-Reply Options to be wider than the other boxes around settings groups on that page. Seems fine in IE and Opera though. I found changing the textarea to 60 columns from 64 got it looking right in Firefox (but made the textarea slightly smaller in IE and Opera).
Also I'm not sure if the {name} replacement variable is working right. You description says it gets replaced with the name of the auto-reply recipient, which is the person receiving the automatic reply. So if I send a PM to bob and get an autoreply, {name} should be replaced with freedom2support since I am the auto-reply recipient. But currently the plugin would replace it with the recipient of the PM (bob) and not of the auto-reply.
it maybe a little big, but still looks ok, it doesnt make the outside table any bigger.
also the name functiion works perfect.