Originally Posted by Stangsta
Comments were dissapering because you didnt set your permissions right and users were able to delete others comments. I know a large group of people that DO NOT have that problem. Or you could save your money and wait till the new version of the myspace hack comes out. There will be a new version better than anything out there.
Hi Stangsta
No the permissions were set properly. This is what I had in the usergroup ...
Can comment on profiles? Yes
Can this usergroup view comments? Yes
Can usergroup delete their own comments? Yes
Can report comments? Yes
Can edit their own comments? Yes
It doesn't say anywhere Can this group delete other's comments or edit? or did I miss something here?
As an admin I had an account for myself just a regular registered user for testing things. The the registered users weren't able to delete other's comments. I tested myself ... I'm positive for whatever reason they were dissapearing by them selves.
To be honest I didn't regret buying the script from Visionscripts. My users love it very much. They getting pm notification each time they get a new comment and plus. I manually transfered all the comments over to the new script and I feel very happy about it.