Originally Posted by aladinliverpool
so.. after 50 pages. can anyone suggest if this is worth installing on my site?
there seems to be a few issues in here. Most of my members dont know how to use quick reply let alone input CSS values.
Well, that kinda depends. I just recently installed this on my site and am still playing with it. The hard part is getting the comments section. But even without it, like someone else posted, its still better than the vBulletin default profile pages. It is a tedious task doing this install and isn't for the faint of heart. But the plus side is if you're like me and still learning how it all works, its an invaluable tool! I've learned more about the nuts and bolts of how vBulletin works doing this install than anything I've done so far!
As for users actually using it? Well, like anything new, it takes a little time. But look at myspace.com. People seem to be doing quite well learning it!
Lastly, my opinion on the whole css issue. I disabled it. I use multiple skins on my site and have found that customizing a page with css may look good for one skin and absolutely horrid on another.
Good luck with whatever you decide! And remember, this whole thing is being completely redeveloped, so you might want to just wait!