Originally Posted by gio~logist
They don't care what code is behind it. Even if they did, they can always resort to the plugin itself.
People used to care about the code and they were proud to learn and post their own hacks after. It was their moment of glory, as Reeve of shinra said in this thread.
Originally Posted by gio~logist
I highly doubt that releasing hacks again with 10-50 steps for an installation will help in any way to change vb.org's atmosphere to a positive one.
I totally agree with you, Giovanni.
The Staff must find something to replace the lack of interest that started to govern among hackers a while ago. basically, they are the ones who generate traffic at vB.org site.
I personally don't see anything else, beside code based discussions, that will attract hackers back.
So let's post some constructive solutions.
We are here to discuss them, not only to agree or disagree to certain people.
What do you think it should be done? Let us all know.
Originally Posted by MarcoH64
In the past vB.org Community consisted for a big part of people who where either a Coder or someone who wanted/needed to learn coding at some level. The active part of the community where communicating because they shared the same interest, or where forced to be interested if they wanted to run their boards how they wanted. This gave a common topic to talk about.
Nowadays Coders or people interested in coding are by far in the minority. Also a big number of the non-coding part of the memberbase has become more interested in receiving help/answers/solutions that don't require much effort from their side. All they want is a simple and direct answer to any question they ask. Also because they mostly don't talk the "same language" as coders anymore, you will get more and more misunderstandings or failures to communicate with each other. I think coders still want to communicate, and even want to help out people who don't know much about coding, but if 99% of the posts are not "interesting" to read/answer, their input will often be reduced over time, simply because they don't have the feeling they belong in this conversation. Or simply because there are nowadays so many posts each day, that they get overwhelmed, and stick to only reading/replying to those topics they find interesting.
Very good resume, Marco. Glad you are aware about vB.org biggest issue, IMO.