To the pioneers who made this product what it is.. Thanks!!! vB would not be what it is today if not for you efforts.
But when it comes down to the nitty gritty, you have been contributing to a commercial product.
Much has changed in the business of developing, marketing and selling interactive software since the good ole days.
And on the customer side, the cost of this software is negligble in relation to all other expenses, so, as long as it is possible to import this product to another, life-long dedication to this product can not be assured.
We are living at the cutting edge of a technological revolution and developments are happening faster than some bright minds can keep up with. I think burnout is one culprit that sends some aspiring minds to the way-side.
This is why it is imperative that there be a greater collaboration between and the coders at (Ok, if you want to call yourself hackers, that's fine, but terminology also changes for a reason).
Overall it is you who have been greatly instrumental in the formation of ideas into practical applications.
In essence this is the site which has been pre-beta testing mods with customers, and demonstrating to vB that there is interest in these features and functionalities.
I believe vB, with the intro to 3.6 is now taking the next (albiet overdue) steps to implementing (some of) these mods into it's core products.
The path they choose to take regarding this site and the relationship between coders here remains to be seen.
I personally can say one thing for certain. Despite every mod/hack that's available here, I still need more modifications to get my vb working as desired.
We are still a long ways from perfection