Originally Posted by amykhar
I think the problem becomes even worse when these 'entitled' members think they deserve to be staff and start getting an attitude because they are not.
Some people just don't get the concept that not everybody is cut out to be a moderator. And, it becomes difficult to say, 'look, you are not staff because: ' I mean, it's not easy to tell a long-term member that they are untrustworthy, impolite, mercenary or whatever flaw it is that you don't want on your team.
Conversations like, 'D, you'd make a lousy staff member because you tell every confidetial thing you know to everybody and you can't get along with anyone either.' or 'P, you're not mature enough or polite enough to be on staff and we just don't trust your motivations' have a tendency to go poorly. Especially when the 'entitled' members have a following.
Gosh, I couldn't have written this any better. I am having this exact problem right now.
The member in question is posting to every single thread, within minutes of its posting (she has a lot of time on her hands, obviously). The mods are getting upset because they feel like they can't do their jobs by helping people out.... and *I* can't even post to a lot of the threads without being repetitive... she tends to throw everything but the kitchen sink in the posts. Since we're a health related non-profit, there is no way a member is going to know everything about the subject; yet she certainly tries. A lot of the time it's better to say "I am not sure but someone will be around shortly to help you out!" or whatever... instead, she gives horrible advice that I sometimes have to delete (like in response to a medication question.. "Take 1/2 a tablet 3 times a day and see how you tolerate that." Since when did we become doctors?!).
The worst part is that she a) wants to be a moderator (and thinks this is the way to become one) and b) has contributed a fair amount of money to the organization.
I have no idea how to tell her to back off and that she'll never get the moderator job... whenever I tell her something, she tends to tell EVERYONE. We had to take our shoutbox down because she published exactly where I was having medical treatment/surgery and every single detail of my pre-op appointment day.
In any case, I didn't mean to get on such a long rant, but I'm so frustrated. She's being passive aggressive now, and knows that I'm upset with her.. but instead of returning my call, she's doing little things that are manipulative and childish to let me know that she knows I'm pissed... like taking down her blog that I worked hours on to get running, or getting really depressed and sad so that I feel that I can't bring something up because it's really not the time.
Any ideas?