nice thread TECK i wasnt around then but from what i have heard and read it was a much nicer place then... hey if it was nice then why not try it over again? cause things around here have been getting bad.. i am all for the not having paid hacks too.. maybe not as far as saying they cant come here but surely not spam there products... ill say one of the most spammed i think on here is that vbseo... there is links in his hacks links every where for that in his threads... i heard and seen enough of that... but i also do think if they want to do the whole paid thing they should at least have to give some kinda money back to vbulletin since its really vbulletin thats making them there money... then maybe they could hire some permant staff to watch over this site too... but thats just my thoughts im sure ill get a hell of alot of negative people posting replys for this... BUT oh well just my thoughts and how i feel...