Originally Posted by Andrew K
Yarub's license is currently expired, but he will continue to support the style as soon as he renews his license. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we deal with the current situation.
Thanks. =D
Originally Posted by DC Dalton
Exceptionally nice skin! Very light, easy to use and clean as a whistle! Installed (and clicked)
No problems yet but I'm still looking
OK, actually I am getting some type of warning or something:
And I did notice the quick reply didn't work right ... any ideas here?
That error will always show if it wasn't updated properly. You could fix that just by opening the template and saving it. Haha. I'll go through the templates to make sure everything's working.
Originally Posted by Mattikana
I switched to the GIF style.. but why there's a .gif AND .png version for each image in the statusicon folder? I bet you just forgot to remove them
I'm sure you just uploaded the images into the image folder. However, you'll have to either delete the image folder prior to uploading the new images, or you would have to delete each png file. If they're both in the GIF style, I'll get em out. =P
Originally Posted by quang188
How can I take out the underline in the navbar?
That should be just as easy as removing it from the "All Style Options" section of the Style Manager. Go down to the area for the .navbar and where it shows the link at the bottom of that area, change it from underline to none.
Originally Posted by Mattikana
Any chance this style will support vB 3.6.0 ?
Definitely. I'll run through the style on 3.6.0 to make sure it's all working correctly, and then I will release it in the new 3.6.0 Styles forum. I'm very proud of this style, and I know a lot of people enjoy it. I'll be sure to keep it around.
Sorry about the lack of support for the last couple of weeks. My license expired and I was too poor to renew it. I'll begin porting Kirsch to 3.6.0.