So long, and thanks for all the fish...
As a number of you have already noticed, I have decided to step down from being a staff member.
I have been reassessing my personal life recently and the truth is that I need to spend more energy on both that and my own site which I cannot do with the amount of time that I find myself on here.
Stefan was the main reason that I became a mod here, and has been a source of encouragement throughout my time as staff, especially as it has been tough with issues in my personal life which have greatly affected me. Without him here as my rock, I cannot continue to keep the faith and use my time and energy on something that has no pleasure any longer for myself.
Like Stefan, this is a decision that did not happen overnight. But I have to admit, the final straw came when Stefan stepped down. As he was the only reason I ever accepted the Mod-ship (is that even a word?) and the only reason I stayed as long as I did, with his departure, I really don't feel I can contribute anything more to the org as the present time. Without him, all the fun and desire is gone out of it now for me.
While it has been fun and I have enjoyed my time as staff here, it has been gradually building to this decision for a number of weeks now. It is not a decision that I have come to lightly as I know that it will have an impact not just on the coding team, or the staff, but on the site as a whole. I've been staff for so long that I feel like part of the furniture now.
I leave with no regrets or anger, just relief and a much needed vacation.