Originally Posted by Spleasure
Is that because you don't want them to download the images or you want them to have such wide images?
It's because they're on a mobile device, typically using a mobile skin... and loading images slows them down immeasurably. So they end up just avoiding threads that may have inline images in them. Cell data speeds aren't typically broadband, so every kb saved, counts!
The mobile skin typically has avatars turned off, but inline images are still included. And yes, the user can turn images off in the VB UserCP, but that setting will apply to ALL skins.
I just thought that since your advanced hack was dealing with images and user preferences, that it might provide (finally) an intelligent way to deal with this.
Originally Posted by Spleasure
I was also thinking about making the maximum height and width settable for users, what do you think about that.
That'd be kinda cool.