I have searched through a lot of mods over the past month and have yet to see one that does the following. Can someone make one for vb 3.5.4?
- Posts a roll call announcement where all members need to "report in". This should ensure that they report in using their current log in name.
- Admin should be able to see the list of people who didn't report in.
Some day you could add features so that the admin could email all users who didn't report in a warning email with a link for the to click on. Failure to click the link after a set period and their accounts get deleted.
Have a special area to add users who request LOA so that they won't have to report to roll calls. I guess that would be called an exempetion area.
Just a thought, it would be an easy way to self moderate the active users. Just once a month post the roll call, and check the list after 2 weeks.
If any one is interested in making this please let me know.