Hi guys,
I’ve some problem running 1.0.2 Alpha 3 with vbulletin 3.5.0 and MySQL 3.23.58 (Andreas helped us installing 1.0.2 Alpha 3)
I’m receiving continuous warnig messages like this in my php error log
Warning: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result <therootofmyforum>/includes/class_core.php on line 744
Date: Wednesday 07th of June 2006 09:15:20 PM
Username: <username>
IP Address: <userip>
After dealing for long time with this, I found that this warning occurs when anyone enters at any journal page
Did you notice any similar problem and how to solve it?. I did some searches at this tread but didn’t find any similar issue
I’m receiving at least 5 warnings per minute like this, and it obviously ends collapsing my server
Thanks in advance