Great great stuff!!!Exactly what I have been looking for apart from one little thing that is obvious that you can get to work based on answers, problem is I don't know how......
I'm looking at getting the User to enter the name so when the form is posted as a new thread, it has a name the user entered.. used as a rewiew form where each User reviews a different product. A similar question was asked and this was the answer:
Originally Posted by Abe1
Look in the plug-in. There is an option to set what you want the title to be. You can have a varible also.
... well, I am a newb at this and would anyone be able to tell me exactly how you change:
// Name of this form
$formname = "form";
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == $formname)
into a variable so that when people enter in the product name, that becomes the thread title???
I would like the field "what cigar are you reviewing" to become the thread title when it is submitted.
Would be exremely appreciative of any help with this!