There are a vast number of skilled coders and designers here, who dedicate their time to making hacks, styles etc for the good of the whole vb community.3
There are many more users who silently appreciate these hacks and love the coders/designers for them.
Sometimes the creators feel like they, and their skills, time and effort are unappreciated on here, due to the nature of the site, where many users just come, download and disappear .
Sometimes the users get frustrated because they feel the creators are on another planet where they speak a special language about class functions, pixels and queries etc.
There is another small group on here, users who would like to learn how to code or design for themselves, but get frustrated and eventually give up, merely expending their own time and the peoples who try to help them.
My suggestion is that users who want to learn be assigned a mentor, an experienced person on here who would be able to easily help them with the newbie questions that will inevitably be asked.
In this way the mentors will feel very much appreciated, having an understudy who looks up to them; and will also learn how to speak more simply so that a user can understand them
Good idea/Bad idea/A load of bollocks?