Originally Posted by Floris
yeah, don't: <b> blah, </b>, just <b> blah</b>,
Sneak preview of the next version 0.06:
(a) Ok, I've got the most users online admincp help done, and there is now an option that give the admin the option to use TIMENOW or the real date.
(b) Now also including css markup for online users (all users, not per user) (see screenshot)
(c) Another new option is to display the newest member who registered at the who's online.. I've made it so that if the user is REALLY online .. it won't display it twice
[edit] mod merged 4 posts
[edit2] Ok, 3 new things added, enough devving for one day 
Great hack still... Keeps me entertained watching this thread.
Recommend: rotate fake posts or split them up amongst x amount of threads per the thread ID you insert in the admin area....
Recommend 2: Also, randomly choose online users from the member database by saying I want 500 users online on top of 130, so it goes into the database and chooses 500 out of your members on the forums.
Let me know if this is too much
This hack here and another (Which is
here) is a great way of alternating content on site for sure!!!