Originally Posted by hornstar1337
Question. What does all these stats mean?
Page generated in 0,71435 seconds with 34 queries [Server Loads: 0.65 0.50 : 0.58]
Those stats are not mine, only an example.
What are good stats? What should we be really looking for? and when is it time to think about getting rid of hacks, or upgrading server.
A normal indexpage should be loaded before 1 second and should not have 'too many' query's. But that depens on the amound of hacks installed.
Server loads should not be higer then 3.0 at all time. (except when you are asking extreme things like making MYSQL dumps, etc..).
If your serverload is very high and the page load is slow this isn't immediate a problem. Only is this problem occurs every day you should consider talking to your webhost for processess going crazy, or maybe upgrading.