Anyone else feel like it's a bit of a meat market in here? So many few coders. And we're all trying to attract your attention to our own particular wish code. Pick me! pick me! LOL! Most of the requests have few views and no replies. My own request had only 13 views (and I'm sure a few of those were myself, re-clicking on it). Statistically speaking, out of 13 views the chances are very slim that one of those was a skilled coder. Even smaller is the chance it's a coder wanting to undertake the task.
Oh well, one can always dream, right? So just bumping this back up (that is, if it will let me, I've noticed a peculiar merge feature here at with successive posts by the same person merged together).
If anyone thinks this hack is doable I'd love to try it out and test whatever codes you think might work.
Thanks again for any help and I'm not too proud to add....
PICK ME!! PICK ME!! :banana: