Report Panel
What I'm requesting is a report system overhaul, let me explain:
Instead of reports being e-mailed to moderators, they're stored in the database, and displayed on a "reports page" (like in MyBB). This page would probably go in the Mod CP.
When you view the page, you see something like this:
Post ID (links to post) | Thread Post Is In | Poster (who made the reported post) | Reason For Report | Reporter (who reported the post) | Status | Moderator Comment | Last Updated
Now, the status is basically either open or closed. It's a clickable link, and when the moderator clicks it, they're given a space to fill in a comment. When they submit the comment, the status changes to closed. There'd be an option at the bottom of the page to view reports that are open, closed, or both - the default would be "open".
You could alert moderators of open reports with an optional report popup, like with private messages. Of course, this would only happen once per report for each moderator, and only if the report is still open - not closed.
Another possibility is adding some Admin CP-configurable "default" report reasons. The user selects one of the reasons they want to submit the report for (and, also configurable, could possibly provide a reason of their own), and that's what's sent to the moderators.
A link for a user to view the status of the reports they submit could also be an idea.
Thanks for your time~