General Modification Discussion - Should be used for discussing existing released modifications and/or how to install/upgrade these modifications. This forum is mainly for people that install modifications, but do not write them.
vBulletin Programming - This is a 'how to' forum, here you can find threads related to creating modifications. General questions should not be posted here, only tutorials and tips.
Programming Discussions - If you want to ask a question about programming with vBulletin this is where it should go. This forum is for people witting their own modifications who may have run into trouble and need a hand.
Coder's Discussion - This is a private forum for anyone that has released their work here and has the coder user title.
You're not the only one that is having trouble with this new forum layout. I will be making some more changes to it tonight (minor ones compared to the ones I did the other day), hopefully it will clear up the confusion a bit. I won't be doing them in the middle of the day this time, most likely I'll close the forum tonight for a short period of time around 3am EDT.