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-   -   Digichat Login Hack for VB3.5 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=99029)

DjTaz 10-21-2005 10:00 PM

Digichat Login Hack for VB3.5
This is quite a basic version in comparison to the other ones i had seen for the older boards , but i wanted something fast so i did this myself.

No i havent released a hack before , so there may be bugs in this , but it works fine on my own boards , and i dont see there being too many issues with this for anyone else.

Updates - Guests can now log in - this was not available in the first version
Additions - The things added in version 2 are as follows
* Option to choose ports.
* Option to choose language.
* Guest login option added
* Errors with blank pages fixed

This isnt too hard to do - as far as i can tell anyway :s

Uploads (4)
Extra Profile Fields (3)
Plugin additions (2)
Phrases (1)
Template Edits (3)

The Zip contains 5 files :


Firstly start by doing the User Field additions below
(this is done in your Admin CP / User profile Fields / Add a new profile field )
Keep a note of the fields given as these are needed in the chatconfig.php file that you will
be editing next

User Fields (3) New - Take Note of which Field is assigned to eash of these.

1. Chatroom Icon - Single-Selection Menu

Title : Chatroom Icon 
Description : <iframe src="icon.php" width="100%"></iframe>
Options : Enter options 00 - 45 each on a new line ( 00 is icon00.gif and 01 is icon01.gif)
Set Default : Yes, but No First Blank Option   
Field Required  No   
Field Editable by User  Yes
Private Field : No   
Field Searchable on Members List:  No   
Show on Members List : No
Optional Input: No
Display Page : Edit Profile

2. Chatroom Exit Message - Single-Line Text Box

Title : Chatroom Exit Message
Default Value : Bye Bye
Max length of allowed user input : 30
Field Required : No   
Field Editable by User : Yes
Private Field : No   
Field Searchable on Members List:  No   
Show on Members List : No
Display Page : Edit Profile

3. Chatmaster - Single-Selection Radio Buttons

Title  : Chatmaster
Description : Is User a Chatmaster ?
Options: No
Set Default : Yes
Field Required : No
Field Editable by User : No
Optional Input : No
Display Page : No


Next edit the Plugins (this displays your in chat on the whos online page)
These are also in the AdminCP / Plugin System / Add New Plugin

Plug-In Add Ons (2)

Product : vBulletin
Hook Location : online_location_process (near the end of the list)
Title : Chatroom
Plugin PHP Code :

if ($filename == 'chat.php')
        $userinfo['activity'] = 'chatroom';

Plugin is Active : Yes

Product : vBulletin
Hook Location : online_location_unknown (near the end of the list also)
Title : Chatroom (part2)
Plugin PHP Code :

if ($userinfo['activity'] == 'chatroom')
        $userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase[chatroom];
        $userinfo['where'] = '<a href=./chat.php>$vbphrase[chatroom]</a>';       
        $handled = true;

Plugin is Active : Yes

Add in the Phrase for chat (Good if your using other languages)

Product : vBulletin
Varname : chat
Text : Chat

Product : vBulletin
Varname : chatroom
Text : In the Chatroom

Next you will need to open the chatconfig.php and fill in the values for this as required by your server.
Some people dont host chat on the same site as the server, so as such there are two different site values , one for the main site , the other for chat :D

Once you have the chatconfig.php edited , upload the 4 other files (not this one) to the root of your forums (/public_html/forums/ ).

Finally a Template addition
add the link to chat to your Navbar :

Find :

<td class="vbmenu_control"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/nav_memberlist.gif"

alt="Member List" border="0" />&nbsp;<a


Add Above that add:

    <! ##  Digichat Login hack for Vbulletin 3.5 by DjTaz (start) ## >
                        <td class="vbmenu_control"><img class="inlineimg"

src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/nav_chat.gif" alt="Chat" border="0" />&nbsp;<a

    <! ##  Digichat Login hack for Vbulletin 3.5 by DjTaz  (end) ## >

Create a new Template called :chat_mainpage

<html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">


<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="tcat" colspan=2>DigiChat Login </td>
<td class="alt1">

<if condition="$bbuserinfo[$chatmaster] == Yes">
<script language="javascript">
document.writeln("<APPLET NAME='DigiChat' CODEBASE='$chatsite' ");
                        document.writeln("CODE='com.diginet.digichat.client.chatmaster.DigiChatMasterApplet' ");
                        document.writeln("HEIGHT=100 WIDTH=195 ALIGN='MIDDLE' ");
                        document.writeln("ARCHIVE=ChatMaster.jar MAYSCRIPT>");
                        document.write(" <PARAM NAME=cabbase value=ChatMaster.cab>");

                          <PARAM NAME=iconID value='10$bbuserinfo[$iconfield]'>
                        <PARAM NAME=nickname value='$bbuserinfo[username]'>
                        <PARAM NAME=siteID value=$siteid>
                        <PARAM NAME=background VALUE=FFFFFF>
                        <PARAM NAME=textcolor VALUE=000000>
                        <PARAM NAME=url value="$mainsite/member.php?u=$bbuserinfo[userid]">
                        <PARAM NAME=openProfileURL value=true>
                        <PARAM NAME=signed VALUE=true>
                        <PARAM NAME="language" VALUE="$lang">
                        <PARAM NAME="ports" VALUE="$port">
                        <PARAM NAME=exitmessage VALUE=\"$exit\">                                                         

DigiChat requires a Java Compatible web browser to run.

<else />
<script language='Javascript'>

        isMac  = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac')!=-1) ? true : false;
                        IEmac = ((document.all)&&(isMac)) ? true : false;
                        IEwin = ((document.all)&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE')!=-1) && !isMac) ? true : false;
                        NS = (navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape')!=-1) ? true : false;

                        document.writeln('<APPLET NAME=DigiChat CODEBASE=$chatsite ');
                        document.writeln('CODE=com.diginet.digichat.client.DigiChatApplet ');
                        document.writeln('HEIGHT=100 WIDTH=200 ALIGN=MIDDLE ');
                        if (isMac)
                                document.writeln('ARCHIVE=Client_Mac.jar MAYSCRIPT>');
                        else if (!isMac)
                                if (IEwin)
                                        document.writeln('ARCHIVE=Client_Plugin.jar MAYSCRIPT>');
                                        document.write(' <PARAM NAME=cabbase value=Client_IE.cab>');
                                        document.write(' <PARAM NAME=useslibrary value=DigiChat Applet>');
                                        document.write(' <PARAM NAME=namespace value=Digi-Net>');
                                        document.write(' <PARAM NAME=useslibrarycodebase value=Client_IE.cab>');
                                        document.write(' <PARAM NAME=useslibraryversion value=4,0,4,4>');
                                else if (NS)
                                        document.writeln('ARCHIVE=Client_NS.jar MAYSCRIPT>');
                        <PARAM NAME=background VALUE=FFFFFF>
                        <PARAM NAME=textcolor VALUE=000000>
                          <PARAM NAME=iconID value='10$bbuserinfo[$iconfield]'>
                        <PARAM NAME=nickname value='$bbuserinfo[username]'>
                        <PARAM NAME=siteID value=$siteid>
                        <PARAM NAME=background VALUE=FFFFFF>
                        <PARAM NAME=textcolor VALUE=000000>
                        <PARAM NAME=url value="$mainsite/member.php?u=$bbuserinfo[userid]">
                        <PARAM NAME=openProfileURL value=true>
                        <PARAM NAME=signed VALUE=true>
                        <PARAM NAME="language" VALUE="$lang">
                        <PARAM NAME="ports" VALUE="$port">
                        <PARAM NAME=exitmessage VALUE=\"$exit\">       

                        DigiChat requires a Java Compatible web browser to run.

<!-- *** END APPLET CODE *** -->




Create a new Template called :chat_guestpage

<html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">


<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="tcat" colspan=2>Guest DigiChat Login </td>
<td class="alt1">

<if condition="$chatter">
<tbody id="collapseobj_forumhome_shoutbox" style="" bgcolor=black>
<td class="alt2" colspan=2>

<script language='Javascript'>

        isMac  = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac')!=-1) ? true : false;
                        IEmac = ((document.all)&&(isMac)) ? true : false;
                        IEwin = ((document.all)&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE')!=-1) && !isMac) ? true : false;
                        NS = (navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape')!=-1) ? true : false;

                        document.writeln('<APPLET NAME=DigiChat CODEBASE=$chatsite ');
                        document.writeln('CODE=com.diginet.digichat.client.DigiChatApplet ');
                        document.writeln('HEIGHT=100 WIDTH=200 ALIGN=MIDDLE ');
                        if (isMac)
                                document.writeln('ARCHIVE=Client_Mac.jar MAYSCRIPT>');
                        else if (!isMac)
                                if (IEwin)
                                        document.writeln('ARCHIVE=Client_Plugin.jar MAYSCRIPT>');
                                        document.write(' <PARAM NAME=cabbase value=Client_IE.cab>');
                                        document.write(' <PARAM NAME=useslibrary value=DigiChat Applet>');
                                        document.write(' <PARAM NAME=namespace value=Digi-Net>');
                                        document.write(' <PARAM NAME=useslibrarycodebase value=Client_IE.cab>');
                                        document.write(' <PARAM NAME=useslibraryversion value=4,0,4,4>');
                                else if (NS)
                                        document.writeln('ARCHIVE=Client_NS.jar MAYSCRIPT>');
                        <PARAM NAME=background VALUE=FFFFFF>
                        <PARAM NAME=textcolor VALUE=000000>
                          <PARAM NAME=iconID value='10000'>
                        <PARAM NAME=nickname value='$chatter *Guest*'>
                        <PARAM NAME=siteID value=$siteid>
                        <PARAM NAME=background VALUE=FFFFFF>
                        <PARAM NAME=textcolor VALUE=000000>
                        <PARAM NAME=openProfileURL value=false>
                        <PARAM NAME=signed VALUE=true>
                        <PARAM NAME="language" VALUE="$lang">
                        <PARAM NAME="ports" VALUE="$port">
                        <PARAM NAME=exitmessage VALUE=\"$exit\">       

                        DigiChat requires a Java Compatible web browser to run.

<!-- *** END APPLET CODE *** -->


<else />

<tbody id="collapseobj_forumhome_shoutbox" style="" bgcolor=black>
<td class="alt2" colspan=2>
You are not a member of this website , or you have not logged on. <br>

Please either login in from the forum page <a href="index.php"> HERE </a> <br>
or register <a href="register.php"> HERE </a>

Please select a name for the Chatroom and Click 'Enter Chat'<br>

<FORM ACTION=guest.php METHOD=post>
<input type=text
        style='background-color:#FFFFFF ;font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold'
                VALUE='Enter Chat'
                style='background-color:#FFFFFF ;font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold'


And that should (in theory) have you ready to chat :D
As i said this is my first hack so dont kill me if its not 100% - and any suggestions and help would be appreciated - Thanks all, and I hope i have helped out one or two people anyway.
(ohh and a big Thanks to Dark Visor for his tutorial - it helped a lot)
__________________________________________________ ____________

People upgrading from version 1 :
Reupload the files in the zip
Change the chat_mainpage template with the new one above
Add in chat_guestpage template.

andy1074 10-22-2005 06:39 PM

i had this hack for vb3.0.7!
but now for vb3.5
it is very well

DjTaz 10-22-2005 06:44 PM

I had it myself on the 3.0.7 and i didnt want to update to 3.5 until i had a working version for the new updated boards.

I hope it works for everyone ... but i do think that the older versions had a lot more complexity to them - mine is a bit more basic than the one i installed on 3.0.7 , but it does work well all the same.

Snake 10-23-2005 12:22 PM

Sweet another chat sytem. Thankies! :D

dellow 11-12-2005 08:23 PM


Thank you ,

i just install it but there it problem i am reciving " you may not connect to DidiChat because there is no site with specified ID could be found"

when i try to see the HTML source i find it like this :


<PARAM NAME=siteID value=1071>
i think there should be "" , am i right ?

DjTaz 11-12-2005 08:28 PM

dellow - no it should still work without the "" - are u sure thats the correct siteID ?

and are the rest of the settings ok on it ?

Ill take a look if u direct me to the site

dellow 11-12-2005 08:32 PM

I just PM you with site URL

DjTaz 11-12-2005 08:45 PM

dellow , i joined and couldnt find the link to chat - is there a link there ?

dellow 11-12-2005 08:48 PM


DjTaz 11-12-2005 08:52 PM

I just took a look at ur login script and the site id should be 1000 as far as i can tell.

That works ok anyway , so make sure of the site ID for ur room and it should work

{edited ..

Ok after a lot of working about on this , we got a normal script to log in - and the siteID he had was correct , but the PORT was not the standard port for digichat. when i get a bit of time , ill add a param for ports into this also so this wont come up again in the future


Thanks Dellow for spotting that :D

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