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utw-Mephisto 09-30-2005 10:00 PM

[How to] Ban effectively
A lot of people (so did I) asking for other hacks / plugins to ban people...

Well, the obvious solution is :

create a .htaccess file with the content

deny from <IP>


deny from

Put it in your forumroot - done :)


Zachery 10-01-2005 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by utw-Mephisto
A lot of people (so did I) asking for other hacks / plugins to ban people...

Well, the obvious solution is :

create a .htaccess file with the content

deny from <IP>


deny from

Put it in your forumroot - done :)


Execpt for the fact, most people have dynamic ips.. and banning their ip will be worthless if it changes, besides the fact you might loose out on members...

utw-Mephisto 10-01-2005 05:49 PM

How do you take care of spammers on Proxy then ? Banning their IP is useless, banning email anyway ?

Afaik banning by hostname is not really possible, is it ?

Zachery 10-01-2005 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by utw-Mephisto
How do you take care of spammers on Proxy then ? Banning their IP is useless, banning email anyway ?

Afaik banning by hostname is not really possible, is it ?

In short... you have very little power to ban :(

Kirk Y 10-01-2005 06:31 PM

If any at all... :(

hydrostatic 10-03-2005 02:42 AM

Just keep banning until they eventually go away...

Yorixz 10-03-2005 07:29 AM

Most effective way indeed; usually it takes them a way more to sign up, confirm their account and start spamming than it takes you to delete/ban them again. Usually they give up after a while.

Jenta 10-03-2005 07:45 AM

If you have a smallish site, 1000 member or so, you can ban ISP ranges with "deny from atl.bellsouth.net". Don't use IP's, use host names! That handles all of the Atlanta, GA area. You would be surprised how unique some member IP ranges are.

Of course if you have 10 members using that ISP and live in that area you can't really do that but many many times, I have been able to do that.

Proxies are usually slow as hell and that's a deterrent for them.

dutchbb 10-05-2005 03:16 PM

isnt there a hack that allows for proxy banning? That should do it

dynamic IP's are a pain in the *ss

Raitsa 10-05-2005 04:26 PM

Imho banning is useless when u have the option to use the mighty Miserable Users hack:

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