The final, stable, "gold", etc. version of vBulletin 3.5.0 has been released. More details are available at .
vBulletin 3.5.0 is fundamentally different from vBulletin 3.0.
x on many levels down to the database. A great number of modifications designed with vBulletin 3.0.
x will not function under 3.5.
x. You should post in the modification's thread for support in the matter.
Of note to coders is that vBulletin 3.5.0 is documented with the PHPDoc format. It is a good idea to document your own code in this manner. Not only does it assist others in installing, using, and extending your modifications, but it is a good habit to build for working in a professional environment where others will be using your code all the time. Indeed, it is even useful to you when you refer to code you wrote months ago and wonder just what you were thinking when you wrote that function or class.
The most important new feature as developers are concerned is arguably the new "plugin" system which allows code you specify to be executed as small modules at given points of execution ("hooks") of generated pages.
When developing modifications, it is generally preferred to first use this system as it does not require editing the stable vBulletin code, eases upgrading, allows one-click enabling and disabling of modifications, sorting of code by product name, and more.
The templates MEMBERINFO, threadadmin_mergethreads, modifyprofile_birthday, SHOWTHREAD, showthread_quickreply, STANDARD_ERROR, STANDARD_ERROR_LITE, STANDARD_REDIRECT, search_results, headinclude, calendar_edit, modifyavatar, and navbar have all changed since 3.5.0 RC3 with a handful requiring a revert and several others recommending it.