pyro.699 |
09-22-2005 09:05 PM |
form e-mail
PHP Code:
$error1.="<br />Please go back and enter a name! You do have a name, dont you?<br />";
$error2.="<br />Please enter a valid E-mail! We will need to contact you, to confirm the position!";
$error3.="<br />~Error~<br />";
$error4.="<br />I am going to need a good reason on why i should make you part of the staff team!";
$error5.="You do want a position, dont you?";
if($errors1==1) echo $error1 "<br />";
if($errors2==1) echo $error2 "<br />";
if($errors3==1) echo $error3 "<br />";
if($errors4==1) echo $error4 "<br />";
if($errors5==1) echo $error5 "<br />";
$message="Name: ".$name."
Account: ".$account."
E-Mail: ".$email."
Aim: ".$aim."
Yahoo!!: ".$yahoo."
MSN: ".$msn."
ICQ: ".$icq."
Age: ".$age."
Reason: ".$why."
Prefered Position: ".$position."
if($errors1==0 || $errors2==0 || $errors3==0 || $errors4==0 || $errors5==0){
$message = stripslashes($message);
mail("","Resume Submitted",$message,"From:");
whast wrong wiht that? even though i have none of teh feilds filled out, it still e-mails me... /;
i think it has to do with $errors1==0 because, i dont think i have anyhting setting it to 1 to ebgin with... ^^