yoyoyoyo |
09-04-2005 02:00 PM |
Originally Posted by Loki12
Do you have any evidence to back up this outlandish claim?
The Wal-MArt land is leased by the Meraux Foundation. The head of that foundation is a family member. Believe me, I am in touch with what happened there. Call me a liar if you want, but I know what happened. The reporter on the MSNBC clip even says "The people here say they were told it was OK," and they were!
Originally Posted by Loki12
Of course, some hardship causes these "poor souls" to loot, rape, kill, attack hospitals, shoot at rescuers, etc. It seems extreme circumstances bring out the best in some, and the worst in others. The latter holds true for some of the inhabitants of New Orleans.
Don't believe everything you hear on FOX news.
Originally Posted by Loki12
It is so cliche and popular to blame the government always for everything. But who put the government in power in the first place? The voters! This was a natural disaster, and I personally observed George Bush's impassioned plea to the inhabitants of New Orleans to leave the city before the hurricane struck... but many just didn't want to listen. Hurricanes strike the US every year, and no-one had any clue this time it would be the big one. It is just that - a natural disaster. No-one is immune to those...
THOUSANDS of families didn't have the MEANS to leave! Sure it is easy to tell poor people with no money to their name to leave their home, but until you provide a MEANS for those to be able to leave, and a place for them to go, then that "impassioned plea" is useless. It is easy to blame the victims, but that is not the right thing to do.