can anybody help me to covert this hack from vb 2.2.8 to vb 3.x ?
I used this hack as an member user information system. at the moment there are more then 500 users and the information about them stored in these threads. its recommended that this hack also work in vb 3.0 :( so plz help me
i only put the $userdiscussionlink on the right place in the template of the userprofil.. and it works
in vb 2.2.8:
PHP Code:
if (($userinfo['usergroupid'] == 23)){
if (($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 5) or ($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6) or ($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 17) or ($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 18) or ($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 19)){
// User comment/discussion links
$userdiscussionlink = '';
$profillinkuser = '['.$userinfo['userid'].']Profil des Users[/url]';
if (isset($userdiscussionforum) && $userdiscussionforum = verifyid('forum',$userdiscussionforum)) {
if ($userdiscussion = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT threadid FROM thread WHERE forumid='{$userdiscussionforum}' AND title LIKE '%[uid:{$userinfo['userid']}]%'")) {
// link to userdiscussion if exists
$userdiscussionlink = ' <br /><a href="showthread.php?threadid='.$userdiscussion['threadid'].'" title="Discuss/Comment User">Anzeigen und/oder hinzuf?gen von Notizen bei '.htmlspecialchars($userinfo['username']).'</a>';
} else {
// link to open new userdiscussion
$userdiscussionlink = ' <br /><a href="newthread.php?forumid='.$userdiscussionforum.'&subject='.urlencode($userinfo['username'].' [uid:'.$userinfo['userid'].']').'&message='.urlencode($profillinkuser).'" title="Discuss/Comment User">Anlegen einer neuen Personalakte f?r '.htmlspecialchars($userinfo['username']).' <smallfont>(Titel darf nicht ge?ndert werden !!!)</smallfont></a>';