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filburt1 06-17-2003 10:00 PM

The joys of serializing data
To serialize a variable or object in PHP means to take the variable or object and convert it to a string that can be stored anywhere, including, relevant to vB, a MySQL database. Later, it can be unserialized, at which point it'll be (nearly) exactly the same as when it was serialized.

An example:
PHP Code:

$serialized serialize($myobject);
$myobjectagain unserialize($serialized);

Remember to addslashes $serialized when making a query because it could contain quotes. Also note that some tiny things can be lost when serializing; namely, internal array pointers, among others.

http://www.php.net/unserialize (way faster than serializing)

MUG 06-18-2003 12:11 AM

Note that you can't serialize resources (such as a mysql connection) so the example posted won't work.

filburt1 06-18-2003 12:39 AM

The example itself should work, though, because $DB_site is just an object that never stores a result handle (at least not permanently).

MUG 06-18-2003 12:42 AM


Today at 09:39 PM filburt1 said this in Post #3
The example itself should work, though, because $DB_site is just an object that never stores a result handle (at least not permanently).
One of the variables in $DB_site is $link_id and that can't be serialized. ;)
$query_id can't be serialized either.

In order to run $DB_site->query(), $link_id has to be a valid MySQL connection resource.

filburt1 06-18-2003 01:03 AM

Oh, good point ;)

But the concept is there ;)

Boofo 02-12-2004 07:33 AM

Great! A thread on serializing. ;)

I'm just starting to learn this. Maybe you can answer this question, filburt. How do we determine this when making the query for the datstore?

PHP Code:


That's a snippet of caode we're using. What are the s:1 and the s:9 (and s:14) for? I know the zero is for the default value. And is there an easier way to list this so it can be added to easily?

Andreas 02-12-2004 08:41 AM


I'd guess.

Boofo 02-12-2004 09:49 AM

Why would you need 2 string lengths in there? ;)

Andreas 02-12-2004 09:59 AM

PHP Code:


Arn't there two strings - "0" (length 1) and "getthreadviews" (length 14)?

Boofo 02-12-2004 10:40 AM

Ahhh, ok, now I understand. ;)

Thank you, sir. ;)

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