slideboxer |
03-08-2002 05:29 AM |
Avantgo Network setup for Palm PDA
For those of you that do not have a Palm there is a service called Avantgo which allows you to download newpapers, magazines, websites directly to your PDA. I love this!
I've been wanting to get my site configured so I can do this and I PM'ed IRC over at who has set his site up for the Avantgo network. This is how he did it:
Well, I wrote a php script which queried the database to look for threads started in the last 4 days, sorted them according to number of views (descending order) and limit the results to the top 10.
The query returns the name of the thread, the number of the thread and the name of the first poster.
Then I made a copy of the file "printthread.php" that comes with vbulletin and called it palmthread.php. I hacked this file, by changing the templates it references to new templates based on the printthread templates. These new templates have been slightly simplified.
So back to the first file: palm.php
After the query it just does a very simple output where it uses the name and threadid number to build a link to "palmthread.php" for the appropriate thread. When I set it up with advantgo, I told advantgo to go directly to ../mb/palm.php and go 1 level deep. Works like a charm.
So.... can somebody please offer their help in getting this one written? I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.