userform3 |
04-05-2017 06:24 AM |
New extension, does not work!
In forum, vbulletin version 5.2.5, I would like to create a new extension.
To the facts, the forum is only accessible to registered users, if a user is not registered, he can see the forum, not.
If the user is registered, his real first name and last name should be displayed.
These data are located in a separate table in the forum database and must be read out additionally.
To implement this, we introduced a new product in the area "Products & Hooks" in "Manage Products" with the name "klarnamenIntern".
A new add-on was created in "Manage Hooks". To test with "klarnamen".
In the directory .../forum5/core/packages/klarnamenIntern the following directories with files were created:
HTML Code:
Unfortunately, I can not access the forum data via the procedure described above.
That is, About the file klarnamenIntern/api/site.php I can not read posts from the forum.
What is the error or the causes why I can not access the data?
How can I access the PHP files klarnamenIntern/api/site.php from the forum or connect?
Example the file klarnamenIntern/api/site.php
PHP Code:
<?php if(!defined('VB_ENTRY')) die('Access denied.');
class Interred_Api_Site extends vB_Api_Extensions
protected $product = 'klarnamenIntern';
protected $developer = 'die-user';
protected $title = 'Global';
protected $minver = '5.2.0';
protected $AutoInstall = 2;
protected $extensionOrder = 10;
function __construct () {
// Only the default data is taken from the forum
$forum = $this->do_get_forum();
echo "<pre>forum:: " .print_r( $forum, true ). "</pre><hr>";
public static function fetchThreads(){
// Only user data, which is calling the forum!
$userinfo = vB_Api::instance('user')->fetchUserInfo();
// ##########################################
// From here, methods taken from another extension.
public static function do_get_forum_data()
$cleaned = vB::getCleaner()->cleanArray($_REQUEST, array(
'forumids' => vB_Cleaner::TYPE_STR,
if (!isset($cleaned['forumids']) || strlen($cleaned['forumids']) == 0) {
return array('forums' => array());
$forumids = explode(',', $cleaned['forumids']);
$forum_data = array();
foreach ($forumids AS $forumid) {
$forum = self::fr_get_and_parse_forum($forumid);
if($forum != null) {
$forum_data[] = $forum;
if(!empty($forum_data)) {
return array('forums' => $forum_data);
} else {
return null;
function fr_get_and_parse_forum($forumid, $foruminfo = false)
$userinfo = vB_Api::instance('user')->fetchUserInfo();
$options = vB::get_datastore()->get_value('options');
if(!$foruminfo) {
$foruminfo = vB_Api::instance('node')->getFullContentforNodes(array($forumid));
if (empty($foruminfo)) {
return null;
$foruminfo = $foruminfo[0];
if(!$foruminfo) {
return null;
$type = 'old';
if ($options['threadmarking'] AND $userinfo['userid']) {
$userlastvisit = (!empty($foruminfo['readtime']) ? $foruminfo['readtime'] : (vB::getRequest()->getTimeNow() - ($options['markinglimit'] * 86400)));
} else {
$lastvisit = vB5_Cookie::get('lastvisit', vB5_Cookie::TYPE_UINT);
$forumview = fr_fetch_bbarray_cookie('channel_view', $foruminfo['nodeid']);
//use which one produces the highest value, most likely cookie
$userlastvisit = ($forumview > $lastvisit ? $forumview : $lastvisit);
if ($foruminfo['lastcontent'] AND $userlastvisit < $foruminfo['lastcontent']) {
$type = 'new';
} else {
$type = 'old';
$out = array(
'id' => $foruminfo['nodeid'],
'new' => $type == 'new' ? true : false,
'name' => html_entity_decode(strip_tags($foruminfo['title'])),
'password' => false, // No forum passwords in vB5
$icon = self::fr_get_forum_icon($foruminfo['nodeid'], $foruminfo == 'new');
if ($icon) {
$out['icon'] = $icon;
if ($foruminfo['description'] != '') {
$desc = strip_tags($foruminfo['description']);
if (strlen($desc) > 0) {
$out['desc'] = $desc;
return $out;
function fr_get_forum_icon ($forumid, $shownew, $showlink=false)
$basedir = MCWD . '/icons/';
$new = $old = $link = null;
if (@file_exists($basedir . 'forum-default-new.png')) {
$new = 'forum-default-new.png';
if (@file_exists($basedir . 'forum-default-old.png')) {
$old = 'forum-default-old.png';
} else {
$old = $new;
if (@file_exists($basedir . 'forum-default-link.png')) {
$link = 'forum-default-link.png';
if (@file_exists($basedir . 'forum-' . $forumid . '-new.png')) {
$new = 'forum-' . $forumid . '-new.png';
if (@file_exists($basedir . 'forum-' . $forumid . '-old.png')) {
$old = 'forum-' . $forumid . '-old.png';
} else {
$old = $new;
if (@file_exists($basedir . 'forum-' . $forumid . '-link.png')) {
$link = 'forum-' . $forumid . '-link.png';
return ($showlink ? $link : ($shownew ? $new : $old));