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Marcin147 03-22-2017 11:00 AM

Can't access forum's threads
Hello, I have installed your forum in version 4.2 and my website is using WordPress.

Administration of my server sent me the message asking to delete all data from the server and upload new, clean version because of viruses infected the files.

I have done it and after bringing the files back forum doesn't work properly. What I mean is that I am not able to open any threads. Once I do it, it throws me out to the portal website saying it couldn't find the address...

IT happens with every single thread while if I choose to enter last post in any of these threads it works fine...

When I go to the Administration Panel the structure of forum (threads) look fine so I don't really know why does it happen..

Counting on your help, thank you.

Lynne 03-22-2017 06:45 PM

Run admincp > Maintenance > Diagnostics > Suspect File Versions - anything show up as missing or not containing expected contents?

Also, try disabling your modifications/plugins and see if you still have this problem.
Note: To temporarily disable the plugin system, edit includes/config.php and add this line right under <?php

PHP Code:


Marcin147 03-23-2017 11:34 AM

Hi, thank you for your help.

First I have upgraded forum to the latest version 4.2.4 but it Di didn't change anything.

Then tried to disable plugins but no luck again.

On the end I have ran Suspect File Version as you asked me and only file index.php has unexpected content. This file has been replaced after upgrade but still appears as unexpected content.

Any ideas what to do next?

147.com.pl/forum --- that's the address of forum if you wanted to see how does it look like? (I know it's not in English but it doesn't change anything) ;-)

Thank you for your help.

z3r0 03-23-2017 11:53 AM

It's probably worth a try to rebuild forum information.

Admincp -> General update tools -> Rebuild forum information.

Maybe also check that you have friendly urls set to however you had them before.

Options -> Friendly URLs

Marcin147 03-23-2017 05:22 PM

Thank you, z3r0 but it didn't change anything..


I Have even tried to create new subforums and once created they are possible to enter, exactly the same like the old ones...

z3r0 03-23-2017 05:27 PM

Have you changed anything in the .htacces file?

Lynne 03-23-2017 06:51 PM

When I click on the forums, I get a "Nothing Found" type page. However, when I click on the threads, I see the threads just fine. So, you must have fixed something since you posted.

I, too, would like to know if you have an .htaccess file and what is in it. If you have an .htaccess file in the root directory, you may need to make sure that there is a line like "RewriteBase /" so it only affects stuff in that directory, not any sub-directories.

Paul M 03-23-2017 07:00 PM

The file forumdisplay.php seems to be missing (or inaccesible) as its returning a 404 Not Found error (which on your server displays that server moved page).

Reupload the vbulletin files, and make sure that file is there.

Marcin147 03-24-2017 09:03 AM

Awesome job everyone, I have deleted .htaccess in root directory and forum works well!

I believe that .htaccess was also doing some good job there that's why I would like to bring it back but with upgraded code, would you mind having a look on it?

PHP Code:

# BEGIN All In One WP Security
# Turn mod_rewrite on
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Files license.txt>
order allow,deny
deny from all
Files wp-config-sample.php>
order allow,deny
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RedirectMatch 403 config\.
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Redirectmatch 403 Table\/Latest\/index\.
# @ http://perishablepress.com/5g-blacklist-2013/

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RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (\\|\.\./|`|='
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RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (\;|'|\"|%22).*(union|select|insert|drop|update|md5|benchmark|or|and|if) [NC,OR]
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RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (GLOBALS|REQUEST)(=|\[|%) [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [F]

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RedirectMatch 403 \.(cgi|asp|aspx|cfg|dll|exe|jsp|mdb|sql|ini|rar)$
RedirectMatch 403 /(contac|fpw|install|pingserver|register)\.php$
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RedirectMatch 403 (eval\(|\_vti\_|\(null\)|echo.*kae|config\.xml)
RedirectMatch 403 \.well\-known/host\-meta
RedirectMatch 403 /function\.array\-rand
RedirectMatch 403 \)\;\$\(this\)\.html\(
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RedirectMatch 403 msnbot\.htm\)\.\_
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RedirectMatch 403 function\(\)
RedirectMatch 403 labels\.rdf
RedirectMatch 403 /playing.php
RedirectMatch 403 muieblackcat

<ifModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteRule .* - [F]
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)?wp-comments-post\.php(.*)$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://147\.com\.pl [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^$
RewriteRule .* [L]
# END All In One WP Security

Options +FollowSymLinks

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<FilesMatch "\.php$">
SetHandler fcgid-script
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/usr/local/safe-bin/fcgid56.sh /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/porky90/php/147.com.pl.ini -d mail.log="/home/porky90/.php/php-mail.log"' .php
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# BEGIN WordPress
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RewriteEngine On
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RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(forum/.*)$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# END WordPress

# BEGIN Bad Bot Blocker
SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "Abonti|aggregator|AhrefsBot|asterias|BDCbot|BLEXBot|BuiltBotTough|Bullseye|BunnySlippers|ca\-crawler|CCBot|Cegbfeieh|CheeseBot|CherryPicker|CopyRightCheck|cosmos|Crescent|discobot|DittoSpyder|DOC|DotBot|Download Ninja|EasouSpider|EmailCollector|EmailSiphon|EmailWolf|EroCrawler|Exabot|ExtractorPro|Fasterfox|FeedBooster|Foobot|Genieo|grub\-client|Harvest|hloader|httplib|HTTrack|humanlinks|ieautodiscovery|InfoNaviRobot|IstellaBot|Java/1\.|JennyBot|k2spider|Kenjin Spider|Keyword Density/0\.9|larbin|LexiBot|libWeb|libwww|LinkextractorPro|linko|LinkScan/8\.1a Unix|LinkWalker|LNSpiderguy|lwp\-trivial|magpie|Mata Hari|MaxPointCrawler|MegaIndex|Microsoft URL Control|MIIxpc|Mippin|Missigua Locator|Mister PiX|MJ12bot|moget|MSIECrawler|NetAnts|NICErsPRO|Niki\-Bot|NPBot|Nutch|Offline Explorer|Openfind|panscient\.com|PHP/5\.\{|ProPowerBot/2\.14|ProWebWalker|Python\-urllib|QueryN Metasearch|RepoMonkey|RMA|SemrushBot|SeznamBot|SISTRIX|sitecheck\.Internetseer\.com|SiteSnagger|SnapPreviewBot|Sogou|SpankBot|spanner|spbot|Spinn3r|suzuran|Szukacz/1\.4|Teleport|Telesoft|The Intraformant|TheNomad|TightTwatBot|Titan|toCrawl/UrlDispatcher|True_Robot|turingos|TurnitinBot|UbiCrawler|UnisterBot|URLy Warning|VCI|WBSearchBot|Web Downloader/6\.9|Web Image Collector|WebAuto|WebBandit|WebCopier|WebEnhancer|WebmasterWorldForumBot|WebReaper|WebSauger|Website Quester|Webster Pro|WebStripper|WebZip|Wotbox|wsr\-agent|WWW\-Collector\-E|Xenu|yandex|Zao|Zeus|ZyBORG|coccoc|Incutio|lmspider|memoryBot|SemrushBot|serf|Unknown|uptime files" bad_bot
Deny from env=bad_bot
# END Bad Bot Blocker 


Yes, now my portal doesn't work properly so I definetely need that code to be upgraded...

--------------- Added [DATE]1490350514[/DATE] at [TIME]1490350514[/TIME] ---------------

Looks like I've done nice mess there because I had .htaccess in root and forum directory so on the end of day I have deleted the one from forum directory and left root's one with the code I uploaded above. Everything seems to work well so I can say big thank you for everyone who has been involved in helping me to solve the problem. :)

PS. Do I need .htaccess in forum's directory?

Lynne 03-24-2017 05:04 PM

A default vB4 vbulletin not using the Mod Rewrite Friendly URLs does not need any .htaccess file to run.

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