cellarius |
10-03-2013 02:00 PM |
Originally Posted by nerbert
(Post 2449653)
When thread is marked read the threadid, userid and read time are recorded in the data base. This product simply deletes that entry based on threadid and userid.
That's what I derived from your code ;)
I haven't followed through all the code but I would assume a year old thread isn't shown in New Posts simply because search.php searches back only so far (the seven days you used for an example).
That's not how it works. Search.php has nothing to do with it. The markread table is pruned by a cron job. All threads that are older than the cutoff will be deleted from that table automatically. It would grow enourmously big if that would not be the case, since a value is stored for every thread for every user that reads it.
So to show a thread older than seven days you would have to build a special table to store ancient threads marked unread and append that list to the New Posts search. It's doable I suppose but far more work than I want to get into.
It's not only for the New Posts search. The unread markings are used all over the place (bolding in showthread, for example). And there are other tables (for read groups, for example).
Your addon does what is possible, and I'm sure many will find it very helpful. It's great you made it. I've looked into the system quite extensively for an addon of mine, and chances are you'll pretty soon hear requests to extend it. I had to explain the limits of the system quite a few times...