wmguk |
03-17-2013 09:47 PM |
Site crashes if cms in enabled
Hi All,
I've googled and searched but cannot find a fix for the issue I have.
When I enable VB CMS I get his error on every single page across the site...
Could not get the request segment for the route class 'vBCms_Route_List' on line 238 in /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/vb/route.php
#0 /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/vb/route.php(260): vB_Route->__construct(false, false)
#1 /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/packages/vbcms/route/list.php(92): vB_Route::create('vBCms_Route_Lis...')
#2 /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/includes/functions.php(3810): vBCms_Route_List::getURL(Array)
#3 /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/includes/functions_forumlist.php(314): construct_memberaction_dropdown(Array)
#4 /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/includes/functions_forumlist.php(230): construct_forum_bit('42', 1, 0)
#5 /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/forum.php(607): construct_forum_bit(-1)
#6 {main}
Fatal error: Could not get the request segment for the route class 'vBCms_Route_List' on line 238 in [path]/vb/route.php in [path]/vb/vb.php on line 286
#0 vb_error_handler(256, Could not get the request segment for the route class 'vBCms_Route_List' on line 238 in /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/vb/route.php , /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/vb/vb.php, 286, Array ([exception] => vB_Exception_Router Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Could not get the request segment for the route class 'vBCms_Route_List',[] => ,[] => 0,[] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/vb/route.php,[] => 238,[] => Array ([0] => Array ([file] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/vb/route.php,[line] => 260,[function] => __construct,[class] => vB_Route,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => )),[1] => Array ([file] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/packages/vbcms/route/list.php,[line] => 92,[function] => create,[class] => vB_Route,[type] => ::,[args] => Array ([0] => vBCms_Route_List)),[2] => Array ([file] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/includes/functions.php,[line] => 3810,[function] => getURL,[class] => vBCms_Route_List,[type] => ::,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => author,[value] => 25294-sb123))),[3] => Array ([file] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/includes/functions_forumlist.php,[line] => 314,[function] => construct_memberaction_dropdown,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ([subscribeforumid] => ,[forumid] => 83,[lastpost] => 1333559635,[lastposter] => sb123,[lastposterid] => 25294,[lastthread] => New CarTFT FM (Automotive USB FM/RDS tuner),[lastthreadid] => 12194,[lasticonid] => 0,[threadcount] => 12,[replycount] => 105,[lastpostid] => 281925,[lastprefixid] => ,[usergroupid] => 2,[homepage] => ,[useroptions] => 45112534,[isfriend] => 0,[lastactivity] => 1351154466,[lastvisit] => 1351151867,[invisible] => 0,[styleid] => 0,[title] => Homepage Items,[title_clean] => Homepage Items,[description] => Homepage Content,[description_clean] => Homepage Content,[options] => 3506119,[displayorder] => 10,[daysprune] => -1,[newpostemail] => ,[newthreademail] => drew@digital-car.co.uk,[parentid] => 42,[parentlist] => 83,42,-1,[password] => ,[link] => ,[childlist] => 83,-1,[importforumid] => 0,[importcategoryid] => 0,[showprivate] => 0,[defaultsortfield] => lastpost,[defaultsortorder] => desc,[imageprefix] => ,[forumiconimg] => 1home.jpg,[depth] => 1,[permissions] => Array ([4] => 655375,[6] => 134217727,[12] => 11252207,[8] => 0,[9] => 16515063,[13] => 11252207,[7] => 83623935,[17] => 733431,[2] => 11252207,[16] => 11252207,[5] => 100663295,[1] => 655375,[3] => 655375,[14] => 11252207),[lastpostdate] => 04-04-2012,[lastposttime] => 17:13,[trimthread] => New CarTFT FM (Automotive USB...,[prefix] => ,[showsignatures] => 0,[showavatars] => 1,[showimages] => 1,[coppauser] => 0,[adminemail] => 1,[showvcard] => 0,[dstauto] => 1,[dstonoff] => 1,[showemail] => 0,[showreputation] => 1,[receivepm] => 1,[emailonpm] => 1,[hasaccessmask] => 0,[vbasset_enable] => 1,[postorder] => 0,[receivepmbuddies] => 0,[noactivationmails] => 0,[pmboxwarning] => 0,[showusercss] => 1,[receivefriendemailrequest] => 1,[vm_enable] => 1,[vm_contactonly] => 0,[pmdefaultsavecopy] => 1,[userid] => 25294,[username] => sb123,[online] => offline))),[4] => Array ([file] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/includes/functions_forumlist.php,[line] => 230,[function] => construct_forum_bit,[args] => Array ([0] => 42,[1] => 1,[2] => 0)),[5] => Array ([file] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/forum.php,[line] => 607,[function] => construct_forum_bit,[args] => Array ([0] => -1))),[] => ),[code] => 256)) #1 trigger_error(Could not get the request segment for the route class 'vBCms_Route_List' on line 238 in /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/vb/route.php , 256) called at [/home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/vb/vb.php:286] #2 vB::handleException(vB_Exception_Router Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Could not get the request segment for the route class 'vBCms_Route_List',[] => ,[] => 0,[] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/vb/route.php,[] => 238,[] => Array ([0] => Array ([file] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/vb/route.php,[line] => 260,[function] => __construct,[class] => vB_Route,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => )),[1] => Array ([file] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/packages/vbcms/route/list.php,[line] => 92,[function] => create,[class] => vB_Route,[type] => ::,[args] => Array ([0] => vBCms_Route_List)),[2] => Array ([file] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/includes/functions.php,[line] => 3810,[function] => getURL,[class] => vBCms_Route_List,[type] => ::,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => author,[value] => 25294-sb123))),[3] => Array ([file] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/includes/functions_forumlist.php,[line] => 314,[function] => construct_memberaction_dropdown,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ([subscribeforumid] => ,[forumid] => 83,[lastpost] => 1333559635,[lastposter] => sb123,[lastposterid] => 25294,[lastthread] => New CarTFT FM (Automotive USB FM/RDS tuner),[lastthreadid] => 12194,[lasticonid] => 0,[threadcount] => 12,[replycount] => 105,[lastpostid] => 281925,[lastprefixid] => ,[usergroupid] => 2,[homepage] => ,[useroptions] => 45112534,[isfriend] => 0,[lastactivity] => 1351154466,[lastvisit] => 1351151867,[invisible] => 0,[styleid] => 0,[title] => Homepage Items,[title_clean] => Homepage Items,[description] => Homepage Content,[description_clean] => Homepage Content,[options] => 3506119,[displayorder] => 10,[daysprune] => -1,[newpostemail] => ,[newthreademail] => drew@digital-car.co.uk,[parentid] => 42,[parentlist] => 83,42,-1,[password] => ,[link] => ,[childlist] => 83,-1,[importforumid] => 0,[importcategoryid] => 0,[showprivate] => 0,[defaultsortfield] => lastpost,[defaultsortorder] => desc,[imageprefix] => ,[forumiconimg] => 1home.jpg,[depth] => 1,[permissions] => Array ([4] => 655375,[6] => 134217727,[12] => 11252207,[8] => 0,[9] => 16515063,[13] => 11252207,[7] => 83623935,[17] => 733431,[2] => 11252207,[16] => 11252207,[5] => 100663295,[1] => 655375,[3] => 655375,[14] => 11252207),[lastpostdate] => 04-04-2012,[lastposttime] => 17:13,[trimthread] => New CarTFT FM (Automotive USB...,[prefix] => ,[showsignatures] => 0,[showavatars] => 1,[showimages] => 1,[coppauser] => 0,[adminemail] => 1,[showvcard] => 0,[dstauto] => 1,[dstonoff] => 1,[showemail] => 0,[showreputation] => 1,[receivepm] => 1,[emailonpm] => 1,[hasaccessmask] => 0,[vbasset_enable] => 1,[postorder] => 0,[receivepmbuddies] => 0,[noactivationmails] => 0,[pmboxwarning] => 0,[showusercss] => 1,[receivefriendemailrequest] => 1,[vm_enable] => 1,[vm_contactonly] => 0,[pmdefaultsavecopy] => 1,[userid] => 25294,[username] => sb123,[online] => offline))),[4] => Array ([file] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/includes/functions_forumlist.php,[line] => 230,[function] => construct_forum_bit,[args] => Array ([0] => 42,[1] => 1,[2] => 0)),[5] => Array ([file] => /home/wickedw6/public_html/forum/forum.php,[line] => 607,[function] => construct_forum_bit,[args] => Array ([0] => -1))),[] => ))
I found several threads on here, none of which have a definitive answer. The main answer seems to be disable and re-enable and it will fix it.... But it doesnt.
I've got no other plugins active on the site.
I want a few cms pages, the blog, the forum, a wiki and a shop all running and integrated but its the most basic cms issue thats shut down my site....
Oh, I'm using a brand new fresh install of 4.2.0 PL3 files since running an upgrade on my site...
Any ideas?