Omranic |
01-25-2013 11:00 PM |
PHPKD - vB Product Translation System
1 Attachment(s)
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Name: PHPKD - vB Product Translation System
Version: 4.2.100
Description: This product facilitates the process of vBulletin products/plugins translation in various ways, by listing product specific phrases/phrase types/translations in addition to phrase auto-translation suggestions.
Thankful Partnership:- Many of my products are the result of cooperation between my clients and me. My flexibility and willingness to sit together, share ideas and escort the project through its design cycle ? even beyond the technical stage ? makes me true partner to my clients.
- Thanks must go to my main partner in this project "Khriz" for his financial support & idea formation.
Compatible with: All 4.0.x/4.1.x/4.2.x vBulletin versions.
Requirements:- vBulletin version 4.0.x/4.1.x/4.2.x
Features:- General Features:-
- MD5 checked.
- Fully Phrased.
- Fully Supported.
- Fully Automated.
- Accurate Processing.
- Professionally Coded.
- Detailed Documentation.
- Doesn't require any manual edits.
- Depends on & uses default vBulletin techniques with full compatibility.
- Board Load Zero Queries, queries executed only when processing translation tasks from AdminCP.
- The product's code base is very solid/rich & has many possibilities to help in future development.
- All staff management actions through AdminCP & ModCP are logged in the "Control Panel Log".
- Specific Features:-
- General:
- Paged Results
- Phrases to show per page option
- Filter displayed phrases by: product/translation/phrase type
- Download product translation in native/utf-8 encoding
- Translation suggestions using Microsoft Translation API
- Management System:
- List all phrases from plugin
- List all phrases types from plugin
- List all translated phrases from plugin
- List all missing translated phrases from plugin
- List all orphan phrases from plugin
- List all new phrases from plugin today
- List all new translated phrases from plugin today
- Statistics:
- Number of all phrases from plugin
- Number of all phrases types from plugin
- Number of all translated phrases from plugin
- Number of all missing translated phrases from plugin
- Number of all orphan phrases from plugin
- Number of all new phrases from plugin today
- Number of all new translated phrases from plugin today
Installation Procedure:- Upload required files to their appropriate places:
- admincp
- clientscript
- jquery
- jquery.chained.js
- jquery-1.9.0.min.js
- includes
- xml
- functions_phpkd_vbpts.php
- md5_sums_phpkd_vbpts.php
- Import product's XML "product-phpkd_vbpts.xml" file from AdminCP.
- Activate the translation suggestion feature:
- You're Done :).
Upgrade Procedure:- Same as "Installation Procedure", but "Allow Overwrite" for both file uploads & product import.
Controls:- vBulletin AdminCP -> Languages & Phrases -> Product Traslation System
- vBulletin AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> PHPKD - vB Product Translation System
Help with:- Suggestions to develop this product.
- Contributing any updates, upgrades and/or any new features.
- Translations to benefit more users (translation credits goes to their owners).
- Spreading this product. Yes, you're free to re-distribute this product limitless wordlwide (Read License).
History:- v4.2.100 25/1/2013 10:00 AM UTC: First initial 4.x.x public release.
Technical Stats:- New Plugins: 0
- New Phrases: 42
- New Templates: 0
- Manual Template changes: 0
- Auto Template changes: 0
- New Files: 6
- Manual File Changes: 0
- New vBulletin Settings: 3
- New Usergroup Permissions: 0
- New Moderator Permissions: 0
- New Administrator Permissions: 0
- New Forum Options: 0
- New DB Tables: 0
- DB Alterations: 0
- New Cronjobs: 0
- New FAQ Items: 0
- New Help Topics: 0
- New Style Variables: 0
- Installation Level: V.Easy
- Installation Time: ~20 seconds