Omranic |
01-10-2013 11:00 PM |
PHPKD - vB Automated Bookie Center 'Ultimate'
1 Attachment(s)
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Support requests from members who have not marked this as installed will be considered low priority.
Name: PHPKD - vB Automated Bookie Center 'Ultimate'
Version: 4.2.100
Description: This product is a 'bookmakers' or betting system that allows authorized users to post events & outcomes and then bet each others on it. Each outcome has it's own set of odds which can be modified through the life of an event, winning users awarded.
Compatible with: All 4.0.x/4.1.x/4.2.x vBulletin versions.
Requirements:- vBulletin version 4.0.x/4.1.x/4.2.x
Features:- General Features:-
- 100% OOP.
- MD5 checked.
- Fully Phrased.
- Fully Supported.
- Fully Automated.
- Accurate Processing.
- Professionally Coded.
- Detailed Documentation.
- Per forum options applied.
- Usergroup permissions applied.
- Doesn't require any manual edits.
- Depends on & uses default vBulletin techniques with full compatibility.
- Board Load Zero Queries, queries executed only when processing pure bookie related tasks.
- Ability to set administrator permissions, so certain admins can control the product & others can't.
- The product's code base is very solid, and is very rich as well with a 'plug-and-play' architecture for easier expansion & for much more flexibility.
- Specific Features:-
- Forum Options:
- Allow Bookie Events
- Allow One on One Betting
- Usergroup Permissions:
- Can View Bookie Events
- Can Bet on Bookie Events
- Can Settle Bookie Events
- Can Private Bet On Bookie Events
- Can Add Bookie Events
- Can Edit Own Bookie Events
- Can Specify Which/How Much Users To Bet
- Can Moderate Bookie Events
- Product Settings:
- Product Active
Choose whether "PHPKD - vB Automated Bookie Center" is active or not (global switch).
- Include/Exclude Users
You can specify certain users to be able to use this product's features, or to exclude others from being able to use it at all.
Select "Include All Users" to allow all users to be able to use this product's features, or select "Include Specific Users" to allow only those specific users -defined in the following setting-, or select "Exclude Specific Users" to allow all users except those specific users -defined in the following setting-.
- Included/Excluded Users
If you've chosen "Include Specific Users" OR "Exclude Specific Users" from the above setting, then you've to enter those specified user IDs here in this setting's field. Separate user IDs by normal English comma.
- Cashing System
Select your preferred cashing system to use by default for this product's actions/activities. This product has it's own cashing system, but it can integrate with other cashing system as well.
You've multiple options to choose from:
- Default
- uCash
- vCash
- Reputation
- Custom
- Custom Cash
If you've chosen to use 'Custom' cashing system from the above setting, then please enter here the absolute field's name in 'user' table that represents your preferred custom cashing system.
- Maximum Bookie Event Options
Maximum number of options a user can set for the bookie event.
Set this option to 0 to allow any number of options.
- Time Limit on Adding a Bookie Event to a Thread
Specify the time-limit (in minutes) within which the thread may have a bookie event added to it. '0' for unlimited!
- Time Limit on Editing a Bookie Event in a Thread
Specify the time-limit (in minutes) within which the bookie event may be edited. '0' for unlimited!
- Update Thread Last Post on Bookie Event Bet/Settle
If you set this option to 'Yes' the thread's last post time will be updated when: 1) a bet is placed, 2) bookie event settled, thereby returning it to the top of its parent forum listing.
Note that this option can cause confusion. The last post time of a thread will be changed with no visible post.
- Bookie Event Option Length
Bookie event options will be limited to this number of characters.
Please choose a value larger than 0 and less than 251.
- Bookie Event Title Length
Bookie event titles will be limited to this number of characters.
Please choose a value larger than 0 and less than 251.
- Settle Grace Period
Bets on any bookie event should be settled after the specified date when created. If it is not settled by certain days after that date, all bets are called off and stakes will be returned. Specify this grace period in which users should settle bookie events after event timeout (in days).
- Date Range
Beginning and ending years in the format of: 2009-2015
- Script Name
You can change the main script's name as you wish, this will have global effect, but you've also to change the actual physical file name on the server as well. (Default: phpkd_vbabc.php)
- Reason For Turning Off
The text that is presented when the "PHPKD - vB Automated Bookie Center" is closed.
Installation Procedure:- Upload required files to their appropriate places:
- includes
- phpkd
- vbabc
- class_core.php
- class_dm.php
- class_hooks.php
- class_install.php
- xml
- bitfield_phpkd_vbabc.xml
- cpnav_phpkd_vbabc.xml
- md5_sums_phpkd_vbabc.php
- images
- phpkd
- vbabc
- abandon.png
- delete.png
- edit.png
- money.png
- switch.png
- phpkd_vbabc.php
- Import the product's XML file "product-phpkd_vbabc.xml" from AdminCP.
- Activate & Configure product's settings as preferred.
- AdminCP Settings: vBulletin AdminCP ? vB Automated Bookie Center ? Settings
- Administrator Permissions: vBulletin AdminCP ? Usergroups ? Administrator Permissions ? Select Administrator ? [Edit Permissions] ? Can Administer vB Automated Bookie Center
- Usergroup Permissions: vBulletin AdminCP ? Usergroups ? Usergroup Manager ? Select Usergroup ? Edit ? PHPKD - vB Automated Bookie Center Permissions
- Forum Options: vBulletin AdminCP ? Forums & Moderators ? Forum Manager ? Select Forum ? Edit ? PHPKD - vB Automated Bookie Center Options
- You're Done :).
Upgrade Procedure:- Same as "Installation Procedure", but "Allow Overwrite" for both file uploads & product import.
Controls:- AdminCP Settings: vBulletin AdminCP ? vB Automated Bookie Center ? Settings
- Administrator Permissions: vBulletin AdminCP ? Usergroups ? Administrator Permissions ? Select Administrator ? [Edit Permissions] ? Can Administer vB Automated Bookie Center
- Usergroup Permissions: vBulletin AdminCP ? Usergroups ? Usergroup Manager ? Select Usergroup ? Edit ? PHPKD - vB Automated Bookie Center Permissions
- Forum Options: vBulletin AdminCP ? Forums & Moderators ? Forum Manager ? Select Forum ? Edit ? PHPKD - vB Automated Bookie Center Options
Help with:- Translations to benefit more users.
- Suggestions & feature requests to develop this product.
- Contributing any updates, upgrades and/or any new features.
- Spreading this product product. Yes, you're free to re-distribute this product as it is (See license details).
History:- v4.1.100 08/02/2010 10:10 AM UTC: First initial public release.
- v4.2.100 10/01/2013 10:10 AM UTC: Going Opensource!
Technical Notes:- New Plugins: 20
- New Phrases: 143
- New Templates: 8
- Manual Template changes: 0
- Auto Template changes: 2
- New Files: 14
- Manual File Changes: 0
- New vBulletin Settings: 16
- New Usergroup Permissions: 8
- New Moderator Permissions: 0
- New Administrator Permissions: 1
- New Forum Options: 2
- New DB Tables: 5
- DB Alterations: 5
- New Cronjobs: 0
- New FAQ Items: 0
- New Help Topics: 0
- New Style Variables: 0
- Installation Level: V.Easy
- Installation Time: ~20 seconds