katie hunter |
09-26-2012 11:48 AM |
Originally Posted by vijayninel
(Post 2366501)
Let us say for a moment that you are correct and they all left because of vB4. What good is it going to do if we keep pondering and crying about it.
A lot of us have not been entirely happy with the way things went and we should criticise when needed, but after a point that criticism becomes unproductive. We have to move on from that and work to give our forums the best forum software that we can.
Well, i just found out the reason, I haven't been active since 2010. I think the best location now is freelancer.com.
Originally Posted by BSMedia
(Post 2366825)
Many factors dictate why you may not be getting a response. I know when I left I'd be losing jobs to people who would work for pennies or free.
This destroys the market in the long run and people move on to different and better paying gigs.
That is not the reason because all the good, quality coders that i know from the past, don't even login to vbulletin.org since 2011, so i can't communicate with them anymore.
And it really depends on the type of job. Some jobs will cost +$200 others not, some are big projects and others are small ones and relatively speaking about vbulletin related work, i don't see any project which deserve to exceed $400. After all, all the projects related to vbulletin are either design or modification. Nothing independent where you have to create an entire back-end and front-end.
P.s. why can't i unlike a post I accidentally liked? Certainly this "like" modification is broken and make it seem like a rep system when it is not. I just liked someone accidentally when I really dislike this person's manners, geez.