Brandon Sheley |
08-21-2012 01:59 PM |
Interview with Joe Ward
Hello Everyone,
I read over the rules and I'm pretty sure it's okay to post this here, if not I apologize and it can be locked or deleted.
We recently did an interview with Joe Ward, former vbseo co-founder and I learned some interested stuff about Joe's new project called and what happen to vbseo in his words.
Check it out, comment here and thanks for looking. :up:
What happened in the time up until the end of your time at vBSEO?
Whoa, now the questions are getting edgy! =) Here goes. The wheels started coming off the vBSEO machine. I presume Juan was disatisfied with his inability to get full, unopposed buy-in from the founding 3: himself, Ilia, and I. While we were never opposed to exploring new opportunities and ideas, we did see it as a team decision and not a dictatorship.