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Black Snow 08-13-2012 10:00 PM

How To Set Up A Usergroup And Moderate Their Threads & Posts
Seeing as I was the one who made this article/tutorial and every other vB site is using it, I thought I would add it here so people know it was me.

This tutorial will show you how to moderate new member's threads & posts so that you don't get spammers or leechers. To do this, we will use the default group "Registered Members" and create a new group call "Members".

First, go to AdminCp > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > Add New Usergroup

Click on the drop down box at the top next to Create Usergroup Based off of Usergroup: and select Registered Members and press Go.
Change the title of the usergroup to Members as this will become your trusted member's group.
Edit the settings to give this group as many permissions as you like then press Save at the bottom.
Click Go next to your Registered Members so you are taken to the permissions page.
Under the Post / Thread Permissions, find Follow Forum Moderation Rules and select "No".
Click Save.

Now go to AdminCp > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > Promotions

Click Add New Promotion.
Choose Registered Members in the first drop down box.
Fill the the rest of the fields with the values you want your members to achieve before they are promoted. I set mine up to 1 Rep & 2 Posts. 1 Rep because this is what they receive when they register, and 2 Posts so I know they are not Spam Bots.
Next to Promotion Type, make sure to select Primary Usergroup as your users will be moved to this group after 2 posts and 1 rep.
Next to Reputation Comparison Type, make sure to select Greater or Equal to.
Next to Move User to Usergroup, make sure to select Members.
Click Save.

Once your new users register, they will be in the Registered Members group (providing they have activated their account if you have set the option to require them to do so). Every thread/post they make will be placed into the moderation queue. You will have to go to AdminCp > Moderation > Moderate Posts to approve or unapprove their posts.

Once they have 2 approved posts and 1 rep (they usually gain 1 rep after they register), they will then be promoted to the Members usergroup where they will be allowed to make threads and posts without needing a Mod or Admin to approve them. The Promotion cron job runs once every hour so you should probably let your users know that they may be required to log out then back in to allow the system to promote them.

The whole point in this new usergroup is to stop spam bots and ensure your users are not their to leech from your site. This way, they are required to make at least 2 posts before being able to do certain things like download attachments or access specific forums.

There are many things you can use the promotion system for and you can make as many promotions as you like. If you require any additional help, please feel free to ask and I will do everything I can to help you. I hope this helped you to understand how the promotions work and how to set them up.

Alan_SP 08-29-2012 08:25 AM

Why you use reputation in promotion requirements, if user automatically receives one point with registration?

This isn't necessary. Just use things that user needs to do to get promotion, like need to write 2 posts. This is more logically sound.

abdobasha2004 09-19-2012 10:53 PM

I really do not get the idea


Why you use reputation in promotion requirements, if user automatically receives one point with registration?
totally agree

Dorgham 02-25-2013 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Black Snow (Post 2356966)
Seeing as I was the one who made this article/tutorial and every other vB site is using it, I thought I would add it here so people know it was me.

This tutorial will show you how to moderate new member's threads & posts so that you don't get spammers or leechers. To do this, we will use the default group "Registered Members" and create a new group call "Members".

First, go to AdminCp > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > Add New Usergroup

Click on the drop down box at the top next to Create Usergroup Based off of Usergroup: and select Registered Members and press Go.
Change the title of the usergroup to Members as this will become your trusted member's group.
Edit the settings to give this group as many permissions as you like then press Save at the bottom.
Click Go next to your Registered Members so you are taken to the permissions page.
Under the Post / Thread Permissions, find Follow Forum Moderation Rules and select "No".
Click Save.

Now go to AdminCp > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > Promotions

Click Add New Promotion.
Choose Registered Members in the first drop down box.
Fill the the rest of the fields with the values you want your members to achieve before they are promoted. I set mine up to 1 Rep & 2 Posts. 1 Rep because this is what they receive when they register, and 2 Posts so I know they are not Spam Bots.
Next to Promotion Type, make sure to select Primary Usergroup as your users will be moved to this group after 2 posts and 1 rep.
Next to Reputation Comparison Type, make sure to select Greater or Equal to.
Next to Move User to Usergroup, make sure to select Members.
Click Save.

Once your new users register, they will be in the Registered Members group (providing they have activated their account if you have set the option to require them to do so). Every thread/post they make will be placed into the moderation queue. You will have to go to AdminCp > Moderation > Moderate Posts to approve or unapprove their posts.

Once they have 2 approved posts and 1 rep (they usually gain 1 rep after they register), they will then be promoted to the Members usergroup where they will be allowed to make threads and posts without needing a Mod or Admin to approve them. The Promotion cron job runs once every hour so you should probably let your users know that they may be required to log out then back in to allow the system to promote them.

The whole point in this new usergroup is to stop spam bots and ensure your users are not their to leech from your site. This way, they are required to make at least 2 posts before being able to do certain things like download attachments or access specific forums.

There are many things you can use the promotion system for and you can make as many promotions as you like. If you require any additional help, please feel free to ask and I will do everything I can to help you. I hope this helped you to understand how the promotions work and how to set them up.

Thank you for this wonderful topic
Wait for new own topics :)

Black Snow 02-25-2013 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2360904)
Why you use reputation in promotion requirements, if user automatically receives one point with registration?

This isn't necessary. Just use things that user needs to do to get promotion, like need to write 2 posts. This is more logically sound.

It is possible to give negative reputation so if a member receives bad rep then they will have to work more to get positive rep again before they are promoted.

matrex722 03-24-2013 05:24 PM

nice and very easy steps
thanks alote

PinkMilk 04-05-2014 08:03 AM

I followed this tutorial except for promotion strategy was for X posts rather then reputation but only new threads are going to the moderation queue and not post replies, am I missing something?

I know in the forum manager each forum has an option Moderate Posts under Moderation Options but this is a global option and I wish only to moderate the new user usergroup.

Black Snow 04-14-2014 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by PinkMilk (Post 2491598)
I followed this tutorial except for promotion strategy was for X posts rather then reputation but only new threads are going to the moderation queue and not post replies, am I missing something?

I know in the forum manager each forum has an option Moderate Posts under Moderation Options but this is a global option and I wish only to moderate the new user usergroup.

Did you follow every step? If you did, then it should have worked fine.

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