gmata |
03-19-2012 06:12 PM |
Please Help Forum Access Denied!
I got this email from my server provider last week, unfortunately i was out of town, and i never had a chance to respong to this until today, my forum has been closed for over a week and i do not have any communication with any of the members.
I desperetly need some help and i am willing to pay if somebody can help me with this problem.
Here is the email!
We are contacting you regarding an issue with your hosting account. During our server monitoring we have detected very "heavy" database queries performed by your hosting account. After further review we have noticed that your database has grew up to:
512M /var/lib/mysql/pistoler_pistoleros
Be advised that such database size causes high I/O rate on the storage unit, greatly delays the daily MySQL back up process and violates the following point in our service agreement:
Fair usage of MySQL/PostgreSQL resources - The Customer agrees not to use more than 10 percent of the system resources in any second, spent in MySQL queries towards databases under the account in question. The maximum allowed size of MySQL/PostgreSQL allowed on a shared hosting server is 499Mb, while the recommended, in best interest of either parties (the Customer and the Company) is 299Mb. Databases with size over the recommended are considered as critical sized, therefore endangering the server pefromance. Databases above critical sized measure mentioned herein are subject of temporary or permanent suspension, termination or rotation without prior notice or request by the Company.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused in this matter, but the affect on the hosting environment by your database required immediate actions, and we have been forced to temporary suspend the access to the application configured with the abusive database. These actions were required In order to avoid further issues with the hosting environment or possible overload on the server.
In order to resolve this issue, we will need you to:
1) Provide us with your local IP address which can be seen via
2) As soon as we have your local IP address we will be able to activate the website for you to take further actions resolving this matter
3) We will need you to optimizing your database and reduce its size to up to 299MB in order to be suitable for a shared hosting environment and meet our service agreement.
4) Be advised that despite the temporary http block, your cPanel, phpMyAdmin and your files over FTP are fully accessible.
The large size of your database might be caused by one of the following reasons:
1) Your application did not have a adequate spam protection due to which it has been attacked by spam bots which have posted a large number of topics/replies or created spam registrations.
2) Your application is keeping log records for access rate or other statistics which have generated a large database size. You may review your database's tables via your cPanel -> phpMyAdmin to determine the larges tables. In such case we will highly recommend you to refer to your application official documentation for possible methods to truncate old logs, cache and sessions data from your database in order to reduce its size.
3) If this database is not associated with any active website you might also consider removing the database from your account.
4) Your application has a lot of members and content and requires dedicated resources to operate. In such case we will highly recommend you to consider upgrading your package to a more powerful semi or fully dedicated solution.
On our dedicated hosting plans you will be the only one hosted and your website will have enough allocated resources to operate normally. Furthermore, you will not share the server resources with other customers will assure best performance for your website.
You can review our VPS offers and dedicated server offers below:
Please kindly address the issue above and update this ticket in the upcoming 24h with a report of the taken actions to avoid possible server interruptions or resource over usage. Thank you in advance. :eek: