Scalemotorcars |
11-27-2011 10:54 PM |
Need help with a php code in a widget
Ive been messing with this for some time now. Im trying to use the code in a PHP widget. Ultimately I want to use this to find the hex code from a image then insert the hex code into a field that I can then search my albums with.
For example if the script returns the hex code#000, then that number is automatically filled into the search box of my vb albums and at that point I simply click search and it returns the matching paint colors. So this would be Black paint....
My problem is I cant seem to get it to work because the code has forms in it. Im no coder so Im hoping someone here can help out.
I have the hex search working on my test page. Here...
This is the source code. Here...
Here's the full index.php from the page above. ANY help would be great especially if you know how to search the albums once a hex code is returned.
I should also mention I've already installed a mod that allows for album search. I don't remember the name off hand but its here on
PHP Code:
Color Palette Generator v1.2
by Jeff Minard cpg (aht)
Please read and abide by the accompanying license:
if( $_GET['image'] ) // selected image from bookmark or get form
$file = $_GET['image'];
if( $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'] ) // Upload detected captain!
// Recommended Image Form Items
$recommended = get_image_list($rec_image_dir);
// User Submitted Image
$user_submitted = get_image_list($image_dir);
// Steps Form Options
$step_options = get_steps_list();
// Methods!
$method_options = get_method_list();
if( $file ) // hoooo buddy, process the image.
$color_palette = get_color_palette($file);
?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<title>Color Palette Generator</title>
<style type="text/css">@import "app.css";</style>
<script type="text/javascript" src="funcs.js"></script>
<body><div id="page">
<div id="header">
<h1>Color Palette Generator</h1>
<p id="tag"><strong>Generate a color palette based on an image.</strong></p>
<hr />
<?php if($errors) { ?>
<p id="error"> - <?php echo implode('<br> - ', $errors); ?></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($thanks) { ?>
<p id="thanks"><?php echo $thanks; ?></p>
<?php } ?>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="post">
<label for="userfile">Upload an image:</label><input name="userfile" id="userfile" type="file" /><input type="submit" value="Send File" />
<form action="index.php" method="get">
<label for="image">Select an image:</label>
<select name="image" id="image">
<option value="">Recommended:</option>
<option value="">------------------------</option>
<?php echo $recommended ?>
<option value="">------------------------------</option>
<option value="">User Submitted:</option>
<option value="">------------------------------</option>
<?php echo $user_submitted; ?>
<br />
<label for="steps">Grid size:</label>
<select name="steps" id="steps">
<?php echo $step_options ?>
<label for="method">Method:</label>
<select name="method" id="method">
<?php echo $method_options ?>
<input type="submit" value="Select Image" />
<hr />
<div id="lower">
<?php if($color_palette) { ?>
<div id="l1"><div id="l11">
<h2>Color Palette</h2>
<ul class="prow g<?php echo $steps ?>">
<?php echo $color_palette; ?>
<p>Current color: <br /><span id="disp"> </span> <span id="disptx"> </span></p>
<p>Selected color: <br /><span id="selc"> </span> <span id="selctx"> </span></p>
<div id="l2"><div id="l22">
<h2>Original Image</h2>
<p><img src="<?php echo $file ?>" alt="image preview" /></p>
<p><small>Image may be smaller or larger - it has been forced to a width of 300 pixels. <br />
- <a href="<?php echo $file ?>" title="link to normal sized image">Normal Size Image</a></small></p>
<?php } else { ?>
<div style="padding: 10px;">
<p>Welcome! Start with one of the following actions:</p>
<li>Browse for an image (of type <code><?php echo implode(' ', $accept_file_types); ?></code>) and upload it</li>
<li>Select an image from the drop down menu</li>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($file) {
$location = "" . urlencode($file) . "&steps=" . $steps . "&method=" . $method;
<p id="current">
You are currently viewing <code><?php echo $file; ?></code>. You can bookmark this page with the following URL:<br />
<a href="<?php echo $location ?>"><?php echo $location ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<hr />
<p id="footer">
<em>Color Palette Generator by <a href="" title="send me mail!">Jeff Minard</a> — Licensed under the <a href="">CC-GNU GPL</a> <br />
<strong>Source code available upon request.</strong></em>
<rdf:RDF xmlns=""
<Work rdf:about="">
<license rdf:resource="" />
<dc:type rdf:resource="" />
<License rdf:about="">
<permits rdf:resource="" />
<permits rdf:resource="" />
<requires rdf:resource="" />
<permits rdf:resource="" />
<requires rdf:resource="" />
<requires rdf:resource="" />