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The Guy 06-12-2011 10:00 PM

A Faster vBulletin installation/Upgrade
(General Article for vBulletin 3.8.X and vBulletin 4.x.x)

Some of you who had a heck of a time using your countless minutes and hours to move all of your vBulletin packaged data to your server using FTP. There is a faster solution! In fact its generalized for uploading anything.

You'll need atleast one software to do this and access to cPanel ---> File Manager. Download 7zip, a free unzipping and archiveing software. Unless you already have such a software such as WinRAR etc.

Step 1:

Download your vBulletin software from the members area and extract/unzip it after downloading it. Open your browser and open a tab for your cPanel and another for your file manager. After you have done this, be sure that you have created a MySQL database for your vBulletin software.

Step 2:

After you have extracted your downloaded vBulletin software you'll have an upload folder that holds all the files of vbulletin. Open the Upload folder and highlight all the files, than right click too archive it to upload.zip. Place that archive in your documents or desktop for now.

Step 3:

This next step is a bit tricky because if you upload the "upload.zip" file to your root directory and thats the only file there, people can go on there and download the .zip folder easily. So in this case, create a password protected directory and upload the "upload.zip" folder to that directory using the File Manager. After you have done all that, from the file manager, go to the directory where the archived file is and select it, and than extract it to the directory where you want your vBulletin software. (ex. Extract to: cpanel/public_html)

If you are upgradeing your software it will overwrite the files and add the new files if there is any.

Step 4:

From here you can either install or upgrade your software.

REMINDER! The Config.php.new file needs to be manualy configured and renamed to config.php! The file is located in the Includes file.

Insall: Run the install by putting this into your browser box at the end of where your vBulletin software is located: /install/install.php

Upgrade: Run the upgrade by putting this into your browser box at the end of where your vBulletin software is located: /install/upgrade.php

Step 5:

After installing the software you will need to delete the Install folder before continueing to the Admin Panel.

Good job, enjoy your easily installed or upgraded software!

This tutorial is brought to you by The Guild, a innovated web community for web masters and leaders.

Alan_SP 06-14-2011 12:48 PM

How do you extract files on your server if you don't have shell access? I know how to do it with shell access, but without?

The Guy 06-14-2011 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2207588)
How do you extract files on your server if you don't have shell access? I know how to do it with shell access, but without?

There is one other solution to this. (If of course your FTP has compatibility to it that is.)

With your FTP software, you can upload your "upload.zip" file into the server and then right click and extract it that way into the directory.

Tell me if that helps or not. Thanks!

matrex722 03-24-2013 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2207588)
How do you extract files on your server if you don't have shell access? I know how to do it with shell access, but without?

from cpanel
go to legacy file manager
and click on the file you wat to extract
and from the right click on extract file content
its very easy

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