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-   -   [How To] Multiple Forums with shared user database (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=254090)

we_are_borg 11-21-2010 10:00 PM

[How To] Multiple Forums with shared user database
This guide is to let you run multiple vBulletin software from one user database. Please make sure you understand what is written and you have knowledge of Linux commands to make it very clear USE AT OWN RISK.

Original Idea is from krohnathlonman https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1289985 but is for vBulletin 3, i only adapted it for vBulletin 4. Used his example of the path so that you can compare.

You need multiple licenses if you are going to use this (in many cases) read
if you do not under stand what is written please ask a staff member at vBulletin.com


This is for new forums only you need to merge stuff if you want to include establish forums but this will not be handled here. This is made for vBulletin 4.0.8+ you can adapted it for versions below 4.0.8, if the file does not exist then do not make an ln for it.

There will be issues to deal with you can better test this first do not try this on a live site. First test a few times then do this on a live site, but always remember to make backups.

We can't say it enough BACKUP DATABASE there is no excuse to do so.

You need access to where the database write the files it self this is mostly only the case under VPS and Dedicated servers. You need to stop the database server first, then and only then you can remove the files. One line is one command. If you do not understand the commands let some one else do it that is saver.

Change into the directory where your secondary forum is. Create a shell script and paste these contents into it: (obviously change /backup2/mysql/msusenet/ to the location of your main DB)

rm -f administrator.*
rm -f pm.*
rm -f pmreceipt.*
rm -f pmtext.*
rm -f pmthrottle.*
rm -f user.*
rm -f useractivation.*
rm -f userban.*
rm -f userchangelog.*
rm -f userfield.*
rm -f usergroup.*
rm -f usergroupleader.*
rm -f usergrouprequest.*
rm -f userlist.*
rm -f usernote.*
rm -f userpromotion.*
rm -f usertextfield.*
rm -f usertitle.*

Now that we have done the removing of the files we need to make symbolic links.

ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/administrator.frm administrator.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/administrator.MYD administrator.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/administrator.MYI administrator.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/pm.frm pm.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/pm.MYD pm.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/pm.MYI pm.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/pmreceipt.frm pmreceipt.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/pmreceipt.MYD pmreceipt.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/pmreceipt.MYI pmreceipt.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/pmtext.frm pmtext.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/pmtext.MYD pmtext.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/pmtext.MYI pmtext.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/pmthrottle.frm pmthrottle.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/pmthrottle.MYD pmthrottle.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/pmthrottle.MYI pmthrottle.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/user.frm user.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/user.MYD user.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/user.MYI user.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/useractivation.frm useractivation.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/useractivation.MYD useractivation.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/useractivation.MYI useractivation.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userban.frm userban.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userban.MYD userban.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userban.MYI userban.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userchangelog.frm userchangelog.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userchangelog.MYD userchangelog.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userchangelog.MYI userchangelog.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userfield.frm userfield.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userfield.MYD userfield.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userfield.MYI userfield.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usergroup.frm usergroup.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usergroup.MYD usergroup.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usergroup.MYI usergroup.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usergroupleader.frm usergroupleader.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usergroupleader.MYD usergroupleader.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usergroupleader.MYI usergroupleader.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usergrouprequest.frm usergrouprequest.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usergrouprequest.MYD usergrouprequest.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usergrouprequest.MYI usergrouprequest.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userlist.frm userlist.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userlist.MYD userlist.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userlist.MYI userlist.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usernote.frm usernote.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usernote.MYD usernote.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usernote.MYI usernote.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userpromotion.frm userpromotion.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userpromotion.MYD userpromotion.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/userpromotion.MYI userpromotion.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usertextfield.frm usertextfield.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usertextfield.MYD usertextfield.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usertextfield.MYI usertextfield.MYI
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usertitle.frm usertitle.frm
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usertitle.MYD usertitle.MYD
ln -s /backup2/mysql/msusenet/usertitle.MYI usertitle.MYI

we_are_borg 11-27-2010 07:10 PM

Reserved for expansion.

TheRageIsOn 11-27-2010 07:38 PM

I have done a different approach!

I use a mix from views and 1 codemodification to
replace the tables i want to have shared to the main table !

works for me :)

I would never tamper with the db's very own structure.

we_are_borg 11-29-2010 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by TheRageIsOn (Post 2126459)
I have done a different approach!

I use a mix from views and 1 codemodification to
replace the tables i want to have shared to the main table !

works for me :)

I would never tamper with the db's very own structure.

Well its more of a cheat because you redirect parts of the database and this system you can only use when setting up new sites to do this on an existing database it takes long preparation to do so

Carnage 12-01-2010 02:34 PM

This may go horrifically wrong if you ever upgrade your mysql.

You are FAR FAR safer using views.

Brandon Sheley 12-01-2010 03:06 PM

why not just run this mod?

abdobasha2004 12-03-2010 04:53 AM

thought it would be much easier

Alfa1 07-22-2011 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by Brandon Sheley (Post 2127968)

Because Google sees that as duplicate content. Its really a great mod, but its far from complete. It needs more development.

Dorgham 11-01-2012 08:01 PM

Needs a lot of effort
But he did a great job all standards :)

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