nairu-nara |
07-29-2010 02:23 AM |
i've found this on
FINALLY! Ok, I finally got my text to wrap around the image. Here are the steps that I did to make this work:
1) Go to your Admin CP>VBulletin CMS>Clear CMS Cache to wipe out any cached screens you might be looking at.
2) Go to your article and click on the pencil by the title to edit that article.
3) Click inside your text to where you would like the image to appear. (Not sure if you have to do this, but that's what I did.)
4) Click on the Manage Attachments button at the bottom of the article editor. A pop up screen will appear called FILE UPLOAD MANAGER.
5) If you don't have your image in the gallery there yet, click on the ADD FILES button, located at the top right-hand corner of that pop up screen. If you already have your image shown, then click-hold + drag to the bottom of that screen under ATTACHMENTS.
6) Then click on a button called "INSERT INLINE (1)" located to the right-hand corner of that same pop up screen. When you click this button, your image will be added to your article box. You are "inserting the image inline" with the text. If it doesn't work, which happened to me frequently, click inside the text where you would like your image to go, go back to the FILE UPLOAD MANAGER, which is the pop-up screen, select your image by checking the checkbox on lower right-hand corner, and click on INSERT INLINE button again.
7) Once your image appears in the article text, click the DONE button on the FILE UPLOAD MANAGER pop-up screen. The pop-up screen will go away.
8) Ok, now looking at the article editor, if the image got placed somewhere in the text box, just move the image to the very beginning of the text, so that the very first thing is the image.
9) Now here is the secret hidden code that everyone must decipher in order to use this CMS OFF the image so that you don't see the little squares all around it to resize, and then hover over the image so you see a yellow pencil located at the top left-hand corner of the image. Now, click on the pencil. If the pencil itself gets the little squares all around it, click OFF the image and try again. When you click the pencil, a new hidden screen pops up, just wait for it to load! Yey! We are almost done.
10) In this new pop-up screen, set the alignment and size of the image. I set mine to RIGHT. Here is another hidden secret...FULL SIZE doesn't seem to work, so use LARGE. Complete the other attributes if you wish. You can also add float:left; in the STYLES field if you don't want to use the alignment part of the screen. I left those fields empty. Press DONE.
11) Ok, now, looking at the article editor again, you will see your image name attached to the bottom of the article editor, and you will also notice that your image is in the same place you placed it. IGNORE that it didn't realign or do what you just told it to do.
12) Press APPLY and SAVE your article.
13) Look at your published article. Did your image appear? If not, go back to Step 1 to clear your CMS cache and then refresh your home page or article page again. Your image should be there and the text wrapped around it.
I am using IE and vB 4.0.5.
I hope this helps someone