<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<LINK href="style.css" rel=stylesheet>
<!-- START main -->
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
// max image width/height
$config['size'] = 300;
// jpeg thumbnail image quality
$config['imagequality'] = 200;
// rows of images per page
$config['rows'] = 5;
// columns of images per page
$config['cols'] = 5;
// max page numbers to show at once
$config['maxShow'] = 10;
$config['start'] = 0;
$config['max'] = 0;
$config['page'] = isset($_GET['page'])?$_GET['page']:"0";
// folder where full size images are stored (include trailing slash)
// folder where thumbnails are to be created
$config['thumbs'] = "$config[fulls]thumb";
// method to create thumbnails. options: gd1, gd2, imagemagick
$config['imagemethod'] = "gd2";
// (if imagemagick) - Path to Imagemagick "convert" program
$config['convert'] = "/usr/bin/convert";
// (if imagemagick) - Path to Imagemagick "identify" program
$config['identify'] = "/usr/bin/identify";
//see if dir exits, if not create
# desc: prints out html for thumbnails of images in directory
function PrintThumbs(){
global $config;
if (!file_exists($config['fulls'])) {
oops("directory <b>$config[fulls]</b> does not exist");
//thumb directory
if (!file_exists($config['thumbs'])) {
if (!mkdir($config['thumbs'], 0755)) {
oops("Could not create thumb directory <b>$config[thumbs]</b> - check write permissions");
$imagelist = GetFileList($config['fulls']);
// echo count($imagelist);
//processing for how many images to do on current page
$config['max']=( ($config['page']*$config['cols']*$config['rows']) + ($config['cols']*$config['rows']) );
if($config['max'] > count($imagelist)){$config['max']=count($imagelist);}
echo "<tr><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"$config[cols]\" style=\"padding:3px;\" class=\"border\">\n";
#if there is 0 matches, show 0. otherwise show ($start+1)
if ($config['max'] == "0"){echo "Showing results <b>0 - 0</b> of <b>0</b></td></tr>\n";}
else{echo "Showing results <b>".($config['start']+1)." - $config[max]</b> of <b>".count($imagelist)."</b> entries</td></tr>\n";}
echo "<tr>";
//for all the images on the page
for($i=$config['start']; $i<$config['max']; $i++){
$thumb_image = $config['thumbs']."/".$imagelist[$i];
$thumb_exists = file_exists($thumb_image);
// create thumb if not exist
$thumb_exists = ResizeImage("$config[fulls]$imagelist[$i]", $thumb_image, $config['size']);
$imagelist[$i] = rawurlencode($imagelist[$i]);
$thumb_image = $config['thumbs']."/".$imagelist[$i];
echo "<td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\" class=\"border\" bgcolor=000000><a href=\"$config[fulls]$imagelist[$i]\" title=\"$imagelist[$i]\" target=\"_blank\">";
if ($thumb_exists) {
echo "<img src=\"$thumb_image\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$imagelist[$i]\">";
} else {
echo "$imagelist[$i]";
echo "</a></td>\n";
//if the max cols is reached, start new col
if(($temp == $config['cols']) && ($i+1 != $config['max'])){
echo "</tr><tr><td colspan=\"$config[cols]\" class=\"spacer\"> </td></tr><tr>\n";
}//foreach img
//if there are no results
if($config['start'] == $config['max']){
echo "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"$config[cols]\" class=\"spacer\">No Entries found</td>\n";
//if there are empty "boxes" in the row (ie; last page)
elseif($temp != $config['cols']+1){
echo "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"".($config['cols']-$temp+1)."\"> </td>\n";
echo "</tr>";
# desc: grabs and prints filename
# returns: (bool) worked
function GetEntry(){
global $config;
oops("Entry does not exist");
return false;
echo "<a href=\"$_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER]\">Back</a><br>";
echo "<img src=\"$config[fulls]$_GET[entry]\">";
# desc: GetFileList
# param: [optional] directory to look through
# returns: array with list of images
function GetFileList($dirname="."){
global $config;
$list = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dirname)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (preg_match("/\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$/i",$file)) {
$list[] = $file;
return $list;
# desc: throw an error message
# param: [optional] any custom error to display
function oops($msg) {
<table align=center>
<tr><td class=header>
<tr><td class=entry>
<hr size=1 noshade width="80%" class=desc>
<center>Please hit the <a href="javaScript:history.back();"><b>back button</b></a> on your browser to try again.</center>
# desc: chooses method to resize image to correct ratio
# param: ($image) image reference of full size img to use ($newimage) what to save thumbnail as ($size) max width or height to resize to
# returns: (bool) if image was created
function ResizeImage($image, $newimage, $size) {
global $config;
switch ($config['imagemethod']) {
case "imagemagick":
return ResizeImageUsingIM($image, $newimage, $size);
case "gd1":
case "gd2":
return ResizeImageUsingGD($image, $newimage, $size);
return false;
# desc: resizes image if GD was used
# param: ($image) image reference of full size img to use ($newimage) what to save thumbnail as ($size) max width or height to resize to
# returns: (bool) if image was created
function ResizeImageUsingGD($image, $newimage, $size) {
list ($width,$height,$type) = GetImageSize($image);
if($im = ReadImageFromFile($image,$type)){
//if image is smaller than the $size, make it actual $size
if($height < $size && $width < $size){
//if image height is larger, height=$size, then calc width
else if($height > $width){
$newwidth=($width / ($height/$size));//cast the resized width as int
//if image width is larger, width=$size, then calc width
$newheight=($height / ($width/$size));//cast the resized height as int
return true;
return false;
# desc: resizes image using imagemagick
# param: ($image) image reference of full size img to use ($newimage) what to save thumbnail as ($size) max width or height to resize to
# returns: (bool) if image was created
function ResizeImageUsingIM($image, $newimage, $size) {
global $config;
Exec("$config[identify] -ping -format \"%w %h\" \"$image\"", $sizeinfo);
if (! $sizeinfo ) {
return false;
$size = explode(" ", $sizeinfo[0]);
$width = $size[0];
$height = $size[1];
if (!$width) {
return false;
//if image is smaller than the 160 container, make it actual size
if($height < $size && $width < $size){
//if image height is larger, height=$size, then calc width
else if($height > $width){
$newwidth=($width / ($height/$size));//cast the resized width as int
//if image width is larger, width=$size, then calc width
$newheight=($height / ($width/$size));//cast the resized height as int
Exec("$config[convert] -geometry \"$newwidth"."x"."$newheight\" -quality \"$config[imagequality]\" \"$image\" \"$newimage\"");
return file_exists($newimage);
# desc: resizes image using imagemagick
# param: ($filename) filename of image to create ($type) int of type. 1=gif,2=jpeg,3=png
# returns: binary img
function ReadImageFromFile($filename, $type) {
$imagetypes = ImageTypes();
switch ($type) {
case 1 :
if ($imagetypes & IMG_GIF){
return $im = ImageCreateFromGIF($filename);
case 2 :
if ($imagetypes & IMG_JPEG){
return ImageCreateFromJPEG($filename);
case 3 :
if ($imagetypes & IMG_PNG){
return ImageCreateFromPNG($filename);
return 0;
# desc: resizes image using imagemagick
# returns: binary img
function WriteImageToFile($im, $filename, $type) {
global $config;
switch ($type) {
case 1 :
return ImageGIF($im, $filename);
case 2 :
return ImageJpeg($im, $filename, $config['imagequality']);
case 3 :
return ImagePNG($im, $filename);
return false;
# sub: GetPageNumbers
# desc: gets the pages in the list
function GetPageNumbers($entries) {
global $config;
// echo number of pages
echo "<tr><td colspan=$config[cols] align=center height=20 class=border>Page ($config[totalPages]): ";
// echo out PREV
if( ($config['page']-1) >= 0){
echo "<a href=\"$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?page=".($config['page']-1)."\" class=page><b>«Prev</b></a>";}
// else no link
else{echo "<b>«Prev</b>";}
// for each link, echo out page link
$start=0; // starting image number
$end=$config['totalPages']-1; // ending image number (total / number image on page)
// cutoff size < page. or . page != last page (otherwise keep above values)
if($config['maxShow'] < $config['page'] || (($config['cols']*$config['rows']*$config['maxShow'])< $entries) ){
// if page >= cutoff size+1 -> start at page - cutoff size
if($config['page'] >= ($config['maxShow']+1) && $config['page'] < $end-$config['maxShow']){ $start = $config['page']-$config['maxShow'];}
elseif($end < $config['page']+$config['maxShow']+1 && $config['totalPages']-1 >= $config['maxShow']*2+1){$start = $config['totalPages']-1-$config['maxShow']*2;}
else{$start=0;} // else start at 0
// if page+cutoff+1 > number of pages total -> end= number of pages total
if( $config['page']+$config['maxShow']+1 > $config['totalPages']-1 ){$end = $entries/($config['cols']*$config['rows']);}
elseif($start == 0 && $end > $config['maxShow']*2){$end = $config['maxShow']*2;}
elseif($start == 0 && $config['totalPages'] <= $config['maxShow']*2){$end = $config['totalPages']-1;}
else{$end = ($config['page']+$config['maxShow']);} //end = page+cutoff+1
// echo out divide marker
if($start > 0){echo " ... ";}
else{echo " - ";}
// echo out each of the numbers
for($i=$start; $i<=$end ; $i++){
if($config['page']==$i){echo "<b>[".($i+1)."]</b> \n";}
else{echo "<a href=\"$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?page=$i\" class=page><b>".($i+1)."</b></a> \n";}
// echo out divide marker
if(Ceil($end) < $config['totalPages']-1){echo " ... ";}
else{echo " - ";}
// echo out NEXT
if( ($config['page']+1) <= $config['totalPages']-1){
echo "<a href=\"$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?page=".($config['page']+1)."\" class=page><b>Next»</b></a> ";}
// else no link
else{echo " <b>Next»</b> ";}
echo "</td></tr>";
}#-#end GetPageNumbers()
<!-- END main -->
$_GET['foo'] = 1;
$_GET['bar'] = 2;
include 'galleries2.php';
$foo = 1;
$bar = 2;