R.Heinrich |
09-12-2009 08:55 AM |
Family Feud
Hi everyone, my name is Raimund, I'm a moderator for a discussion fourm, and our fourm covers various subjects, one in particular being, "Politics", and there is a warnning apon entering, (18+ Viewer Discretion advised. This is the forum to discuss general politics.***************. Please note that discussions might be allowed to get a little more heated on this specific forum.). OK, well, we all know that this particular topic can and will, bring out the worst in people, we had a member, that would only want to talk politics, this person, for example, if I say corn flakes, the person would come back with, a statement that George W. Bush, screwed Kelloggs up the ying yang, OK, obviously, he hates Bush and all Republicans, so what, I could care less, but, he would get into heated discussions, and eventually, he would go on the attack, and we had a few members complain, well, I guess some people did not read the warning, so this member was finally banned for 3 days by a super moderator, and when this member came back after his 3 day ban, he had something to say to this super moderator, he told him point blank to take our rules and shove em, so the super moderator banned this member permanently, now my problem is this, there is a warning apon entering this political area, so, I would expect some fighting, and I would not be so quick to ban people over it, unless it gets out of controll, but I feel that this super moderator has banned this person for personal reasons, and if I were to ban everyone that I did not like, because of the way he or she talked to me, well, I guess we would have a very lonely fourm, would'nt we. I would like to see this person come back, but, the super moderator does'nt, and him and I have gotten to be good friends, and I don't want to argue too much with him, but I'm getting PMs from other members saying that they want this banned person back also, and really, out of our 8000+ members, it was only a few that had a problem with the banned member, so I would like some feed back on this subject, I know that there is a lot of knowledge here, that's why the Administrator put my name on his vBulletin licence, so that I can get involved with this fourm, to help our fourm to grow. (ps. I really miss this banned person)