sparklywater |
09-11-2009 04:08 PM |
I changed disable_smilies settings to false in the file class_bbcode.php.
This is how i changed the original code to set $append_custom_tags to true but it didn't work:
PHP Code:
#### parse message require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php'); $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list(), true); $message = $bbcode_parser->parse($pm['message'], 'privatemessage', true); ##################
The following is the complete code for the AdminCP file. The part near the middle/top half shows where I made the $append_custom_tags change.
PHP Code:
<?php // ######################## SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ########################### error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// #################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ###################### $phrasegroups = array('style'); $specialtemplates = array('products');
// ########################## REQUIRE BACK-END ############################ require_once('./global.php'); require_once(DIR . '/includes/adminfunctions_template.php');
$this_script = 'read_pms';
$rpm_ver = 0.7;
$rpm_mouseover_fontcolor = '#D04850';
// ########################## SUPERADMIN CHECK ############################ if (!in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], preg_split('#\s*,\s*#s', $vbulletin->config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)) ) { rpm_print_stop_back("You don't have permission to access this page."); }
/////////////////////// front page if ( empty($_REQUEST['do']) ) { print_form_header($this_script, 'list', 0, 1, 'listForm'); print_table_header('Read PMs'); print_input_row('User ID or Username', 'userid'); print_submit_row('Read PMs', 0);
print_form_header($this_script, 'havepms', 0, 1, 'resetForm'); print_submit_row('List Users with PMs', 0);
print_form_header($this_script, 'search', 0, 1, 'searchForm'); print_table_header('Search for PMs'); print_textarea_row('Search for', 'search'); print_radio_row('Match', 'match', array( 'exact' => 'exact text', 'all' => 'all words', 'atleastone' => 'at least one of the words' ), 'exact'); //print_input_row('User ID<br /><div class="smallfont"><em>optional</em></div>', 'userid'); print_submit_row('Search for PMs', 0);
print_form_header($this_script, 'latest', 0, 1, 'latestForm'); print_table_header('Latest PMs'); print_input_row('Number of PMs to show', 'showlatest', '100'); print_submit_row('Latest PMs', 0); }
/////////////////////// search if ( $_REQUEST['do'] == 'search' ) { if ( empty($_REQUEST['search']) ) { rpm_print_stop_back('You must write what you are searching for.'); } $match = $_REQUEST['match']; $search_for = $db->escape_string( $_REQUEST['search'] ); $pms = rpm_search_pms($search_for, $match); // print pms list print_form_header('', '', 0, 1, 'pmlistForm'); print_table_header('Search Results ('.count($pms).')'); foreach ($pms AS $pm) { $userids = rpm_get_userids($pm['pmtextid']); foreach ($userids AS $id) { $link = $this_script.'.php?do=read&userid='.$id.'&pmtextid='.$pm['pmtextid']; $row = '<hr /><div class="smallfont"><a href="'.$link.'">'; $row .= ''.htmlspecialchars($pm['title']); $row .= ' - from '.$pm['fromusername']; $row .= ' - owner '.rpm_get_name($id); $row .= ' - '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $pm['dateline'], true); $row .= ' '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $pm['dateline']); $to = is_array(unserialize($pm['touserarray'])) ? implode(", ", array_values(unserialize($pm['touserarray']))) : null; $to = ($to == 'Array') ? htmlspecialchars($pm['touserarray']) : $to; $row .= ' - to '.$to; print_description_row($row.'</a></div>');
#### parse message require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php'); $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list()); $message = $bbcode_parser->parse($pm['message'], 'privatemessage', true); ##################
print_label_row('Message', '<div class="smallfont">'.$message.'</div>');
} } print_table_footer(2, construct_button_code($vbphrase['go_back'], 'javascript:history.back(1)')); }
/////////////////////// list if ( $_REQUEST['do'] == 'list' ) { if ( empty($_REQUEST['userid']) ) { rpm_print_stop_back('Need a User ID or Username.'); } if ( !is_numeric($_REQUEST['userid']) ) { $userid = rpm_username_exists($_REQUEST['userid']); if ( empty($userid) ) { rpm_print_stop_back('User '.$_REQUEST['userid'].' does not exist.'.$userid); } } else { if ( !rpm_user_exists($_REQUEST['userid']) ) { rpm_print_stop_back('User '.$_REQUEST['userid'].' does not exist.'); } $userid = $_REQUEST['userid']; } $pms = rpm_get_pms($userid); if ( empty($pms) ) { rpm_print_stop_back('User '.$_REQUEST['userid'].' has no pms.'); } $name = rpm_get_name($userid); ### Separate sent from received $sent = array(); $received = array(); foreach ($pms AS $pm) { if ($pm['fromusername'] == $name) { $sent[] = $pm; } else { $received[] = $pm; } } ###############################
// print sent pms list print_form_header('', '', 0, 1, 'sentpmlistForm'); print_table_header('Sent PMs for: '.$name.' ('.count($sent).' total pms)'); foreach ($sent AS $pm) { $link = $this_script.'.php?do=read&userid='.$userid.'&pmtextid='.$pm['pmtextid']; $row = '<hr /><div class="smallfont"><a href="'.$link.'">'; $row .= ''.htmlspecialchars($pm['title']); $row .= ' - from '.$pm['fromusername']; $row .= ' - '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $pm['dateline'], true); $row .= ' '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $pm['dateline']); $to = is_array(unserialize($pm['touserarray'])) ? implode(", ", array_values(unserialize($pm['touserarray']))) : null; $to = ($to == 'Array') ? htmlspecialchars($pm['touserarray']) : $to; $row .= ' - to '.$to; print_description_row($row.'</a></div>');
#### parse message require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php'); $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list(), true); $message = $bbcode_parser->parse($pm['message'], 'privatemessage', true); ##################
print_label_row('Message', '<div class="smallfont">'.$message.'</div>'); } print_table_footer(2, construct_button_code($vbphrase['go_back'], 'javascript:history.back(1)')); // print received pms list print_form_header('', '', 0, 1, 'receivedpmlistForm'); print_table_header('Received PMs for: '.$name.' ('.count($received).' total pms)'); foreach ($received AS $pm) { $link = $this_script.'.php?do=read&userid='.$userid.'&pmtextid='.$pm['pmtextid']; $row = '<hr /><div class="smallfont"><a href="'.$link.'">'; $row .= ''.htmlspecialchars($pm['title']); $row .= ' - from '.$pm['fromusername']; $row .= ' - '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $pm['dateline'], true); $row .= ' '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $pm['dateline']); $to = is_array(unserialize($pm['touserarray'])) ? implode(", ", array_values(unserialize($pm['touserarray']))) : null; $to = ($to == 'Array') ? htmlspecialchars($pm['touserarray']) : $to; $row .= ' - to '.$to; print_description_row($row.'</a></div>');
#### parse message require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php'); $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list()); $message = $bbcode_parser->parse($pm['message'], 'privatemessage', true); ##################
print_label_row('Message', '<div class="smallfont">'.$message.'</div>');
} print_table_footer(2, construct_button_code($vbphrase['go_back'], 'javascript:history.back(1)')); /*echo '<pre>'; print_r( $pms ); echo '</pre>';*/ }
/////////////////////// latest if ( $_REQUEST['do'] == 'latest' ) { if ( empty($_REQUEST['showlatest']) ) { rpm_print_stop_back('Need a number.'); } if ( !is_numeric($_REQUEST['showlatest']) ) { rpm_print_stop_back('Need a number.'); } $pms = rpm_get_latest_pms($_REQUEST['showlatest']); if ( empty($pms) ) { rpm_print_stop_back('No pms.'); }
// print pms list
print_form_header('', '', 0, 1, 'pmlistForm'); print_table_header('Latest '.$n.' PMs ('.count($pms).' total pms)'); foreach ($pms AS $pm) { $link = $this_script.'.php?do=read&userid='.$pm['userid'].'&pmtextid='.$pm['pmtextid']; $row = '<hr /><div class="smallfont"><a href="'.$link.'">'; $row .= ''.htmlspecialchars($pm['title']); $row .= ' - from '.$pm['fromusername']; $row .= ' - '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $pm['dateline'], true); $row .= ' '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $pm['dateline']); $to = is_array(unserialize($pm['touserarray'])) ? implode(", ", array_values(unserialize($pm['touserarray']))) : null; $to = ($to == 'Array') ? htmlspecialchars($pm['touserarray']) : $to; $row .= ' - to '.$to; print_description_row($row.'</a></div>');
#### parse message require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php'); $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list()); $message = $bbcode_parser->parse($pm['message'], 'privatemessage', true); ##################
print_label_row('Message', '<div class="smallfont">'.$message.'</div>');
} print_table_footer(2, construct_button_code($vbphrase['go_back'], 'javascript:history.back(1)')); /*echo '<pre>'; print_r( $pms ); echo '</pre>';*/ }
/////////////////////// read if ( $_REQUEST['do'] == 'read' ) { if ( empty($_REQUEST['pmtextid']) ) { rpm_print_stop_back('Need a pmtextid.'); } if ( !is_numeric($_REQUEST['pmtextid']) ) { rpm_print_stop_back('Pmtextid must be a number.'); } $pm = rpm_get_pm($_REQUEST['pmtextid']); if ( empty($pm) ) { rpm_print_stop_back('Pmtextid '.$_REQUEST['pmtextid'].' does not exist.'); } $a = $db->query_first("SELECT userid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pm WHERE pmtextid = ".$_REQUEST['pmtextid']); $name = rpm_get_name($a['userid']); // show pm print_form_header('', '', 0, 1, 'pmlistForm'); print_table_header('PM for: '.$name); print_label_row('From', $pm['fromusername'] . ' (userid '.$pm['fromuserid'].')'); // print_label_row('To', htmlspecialchars($pm['touserarray'])); $to = is_array(unserialize($pm['touserarray'])) ? implode(", ", array_values(unserialize($pm['touserarray']))) : null; $to = ($to == 'Array') ? htmlspecialchars($pm['touserarray']) : $to; print_label_row('To' , $to); print_label_row('Date', vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $pm['dateline'], true) .' '. vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $pm['dateline'])); print_label_row('Title', htmlspecialchars($pm['title'])); #### parse message require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php'); $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list()); $message = $bbcode_parser->parse($pm['message'], 'privatemessage', true); ################## print_label_row('Message', '<div class="smallfont">'.$message.'</div>'); print_table_footer(2, construct_button_code($vbphrase['go_back'], 'javascript:history.back(1)')); }
/////////////////////// have pms if ( $_REQUEST['do'] == 'havepms' ) { $havepms = rpm_get_users_that_have_pms(); // show list print_form_header('', '', 0, 1, 'havepmslistForm'); print_table_header('Users with PMs ('.count($havepms).')'); foreach ($havepms AS $pms) { $name = rpm_get_name($pms['userid']); $link = $this_script.'.php?do=list&userid='.$pms['userid']; $row = '<div><a href="'.$link.'">'.$name; $row .= ' ('.$pms['numberpms'].' pms)'; print_description_row($row.'</a></div>'); } print_table_footer(2, construct_button_code($vbphrase['go_back'], 'javascript:history.back(1)')); }
############################################################# ############################################################ ######## functions
function rpm_get_userids($pmtextid) { global $db; $sql = "SELECT userid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pm WHERE pmtextid = $pmtextid"; $result = $db->query_read($sql); $userids = array(); while( $a = $db->fetch_array( $result ) ) { $userids[] = $a['userid']; } return $userids; }
function rpm_search_pms($search_for, $match) { global $db; if ($match == 'exact') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmtext WHERE message LIKE '%$search_for%' ORDER BY dateline DESC"; } elseif ($match == 'all') { $a = explode(' ', $search_for); $ands = implode("%' AND message LIKE '%", $a); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmtext WHERE message LIKE '%$ands%' ORDER BY dateline DESC"; } else { $a = explode(' ', $search_for); $ors = implode("%' OR message LIKE '%", $a); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmtext WHERE message LIKE '%$ors%' ORDER BY dateline DESC"; } $result = $db->query_read($sql); $pms = array(); while( $a = $db->fetch_array( $result ) ) { $pms[] = $a; } return $pms; }
function rpm_get_users_that_have_pms($orderby = 'pmid') { global $db; $sql = "SELECT userid, count(pmid) AS numberpms FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pm GROUP BY userid ORDER BY $orderby DESC"; $result = $db->query_read($sql); $r = array(); while( $a = $db->fetch_array( $result ) ) { $r[] = array( 'userid' => $a['userid'], 'numberpms' => $a['numberpms'] ); } return $r; }
function rpm_get_name ($userid) { global $db; $result = $db->query_first("SELECT username FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE userid = $userid"); return $result['username']; }
function rpm_get_pm ($pmtextid) { global $db; return $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmtext WHERE pmtextid = $pmtextid"); }
function rpm_user_exists ($userid) { global $db; $exists = $db->query_first("SELECT userid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE userid = $userid"); if ($exists) {return true;} else {return false;} }
function rpm_username_exists ($username) { global $db; $exists = $db->query_first("SELECT userid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE LOWER(username) = LOWER('".$db->escape_string($username)."')"); if ($exists) {return $exists['userid'];} else {return false;} }
function rpm_get_pms ($userid) { global $db; $pmtextids = rpm_get_pmtextids($userid); if (empty($pmtextids)) {return false;} $ors = implode(' OR pmtextid = ', $pmtextids); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmtext WHERE pmtextid = " . $ors . " ORDER BY dateline DESC"; $result = $db->query_read($sql); $pms = array(); while( $a = $db->fetch_array( $result ) ) { $pms[] = $a; } return $pms; }
function rpm_get_latest_pms ($n) { global $db; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmtext ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0, ".$n; $result = $db->query_read($sql); $pms = array(); while( $a = $db->fetch_array( $result ) ) { $pms[] = $a; } return $pms; }
function rpm_get_pmtextids ($userid) { global $db; $sql = "SELECT pmtextid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pm WHERE userid = $userid"; $result = $db->query_read($sql); $pmtextids = array(); while( $a = $db->fetch_array( $result ) ) { $pmtextids[] = $a['pmtextid']; } return $pmtextids; }
function rpm_print_stop_back ($text = 'error') { global $vbphrase; if (!defined('DONE_CPHEADER')) { print_cp_header($vbphrase['vbulletin_message']); } echo '<p> </p><p> </p>'; print_form_header('', '', 0, 1, 'messageform', '65%'); print_table_header($vbphrase['vbulletin_message']); print_description_row("<blockquote><br />$text<br /><br /></blockquote>"); print_table_footer(2, construct_button_code($vbphrase['go_back'], 'javascript:history.back(1)')); rpm_print_footer(); print_cp_footer(); }
function rpm_print_footer () { global $rpm_ver; echo '<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank" class="copyright">read pms v'.$rpm_ver.'</a></p>'; }
rpm_print_footer(); print_cp_footer(); ?>