Omranic |
07-23-2009 10:00 PM |
SSGTI - Visitor Message Throttle
1 Attachment(s)
!.............. Sponsored by: PHP KingDom ( ..............!
Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
Support questions from members who have not marked this as installed will be considered low priority.
Note: This product has been requested as a paid product, It has been completed & delivered few months ago. It's licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0, I hope this product will be useful for all of you.
Name: Visitor Message Throttle - Version: 3.8.100
Description: This product allows administrators to cotrol visitor messages for each usergroup with a throttle permissions (required posts/maximum X posts in X time span).
Compatible with: All 3.7.x/3.8.x vBulletin versions.
Features:- Fully Phrased.
- Fully Automated.
- Fully Supported.
- Accurate Processing.
- Professionally Coded.
- Doing all default vBulletin checks.
- Compatible with AJAX & Normal modes.
- Can configure Visitor Message throttle Permissions per usergroup:
- Minimum posts required before posting visitor message.
- Maximum visitor messages allowed to be posted, per X period of time.
- X period of time in which the maximum Visitor messages will be limited.
- Apply throttle limitations per user profile or over all profiles.
- Include own profile or exclude it from throttle limitations.
Installation Procedure:- Upload the "bitfield_ssgti_vm_throttle.xml" file to "/includes/xml/".
- Import product's XML file from AdminCP.
- Do the following small file edits:
- Open the file "includes/class_dm_visitormessage.php" & search in it for the following code:
OR $this->is_duplicate()
And put the following code after it directly (in the same line):
OR $this->is_throttled() OR $this->posts_check()
- In the same file "includes/class_dm_visitormessage.php" search for the following code:
function is_duplicate()
And put the following code under this function or above it (the function as a whole):
* Throttle Stuff
* @return boolean whether this is a throttled post or not
function is_throttled()
if ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['ssgti_vm_throttle_hm'] AND $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['ssgti_vm_throttle_ev'] AND ($this->fetch_field('userid') != $this->fetch_field('postuserid') OR ($this->fetch_field('userid') == $this->fetch_field('postuserid') AND ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['ssgti_vm_throttle'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_ssgti_vm_throttle['ssgti_vm_throttle_own']))))
$ssgti_vm_throttle_ev = TIMENOW - ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['ssgti_vm_throttle_ev'] * 60);
$query_hook = "";
if ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['ssgti_vm_throttle'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_ssgti_vm_throttle['ssgti_vm_throttle_each'])
$query_hook = "AND vm.userid = " . $this->fetch_field('userid');
if ($this->fetch_field('dateline') > $ssgti_vm_throttle_ev)
if ($ssgti_vm_throttles = $this->registry->db->query_read_slave("
SELECT vm.userid, user.username
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "visitormessage AS vm
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user USING (userid)
WHERE vm.postuserid = " . $this->fetch_field('postuserid') . "
AND vm.dateline > " . $ssgti_vm_throttle_ev . "
// print_r($this->registry->db->fetch_array($ssgti_vm_throttles));
if ($this->registry->db->num_rows($ssgti_vm_throttles) >= $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['ssgti_vm_throttle_hm'])
$this->error('ssgti_vm_throttle', $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['ssgti_vm_throttle_hm'], $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['ssgti_vm_throttle_ev']);
return true;
return false;
* Posts Check Stuff
* @return boolean whether this user has required posts or not
function posts_check()
if ($this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['ssgti_vm_throttle_ps'])
if ($this->fetch_field('postuserid'))
$user = fetch_userinfo($this->fetch_field('postuserid'));
if ($user['posts'] < $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['ssgti_vm_throttle_ps'])
$this->error('ssgti_vm_throttle_posts', $this->registry->userinfo['permissions']['ssgti_vm_throttle_ps'], $user['posts']);
return true;
return false;
Save the modified file "includes/class_dm_visitormessage.php" & upload it (Allow Overwrite).
- Done :).
Control:- vBulletin AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager -> Visitor Message Permissions -> Throttle ... Perms
Help with:- Suggestions to develop this product.
- Contributing any updates, upgrades and/or any new features.
- Translations to benefit more users (translation credits goes to their owners).
- Spreading this product. Yes, you're free to re-distribute this product as it is.
Known Isues:
History:- v3.8.100 24/07/2009 10:00 PM UTC: First initial public release.
Screen Shots:
Notes:- English version only supported & supplied here, for any other localized release please contact me.
Technical Notes:
- New Plugins: 0
- New Phrases: 7
- New Templates: 0
- Template changes: 0
- New Files: 1
- File Changes: 2
- New vBulletin Settings: 0
- New Usergroup Permissions: 5
- New Moderator Permissions: 0
- New Administrator Permissions: 0
- New Forum Options: 0
- New DB Tables: 0
- DB Alterations: 4
- New Cron Jops: 0
- Installation Level: Easy
- Installation Time: 30~40 seconds
Donation?:- No, sorry. I appreciate your kindness. But if you need to help/support, then you can ask me for custom work. I'm ready for any custom work :).
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