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silveryhat 06-12-2009 10:00 PM

DnP Instant! AJAX/SEO Musicbox + News v1.0.7 : Online entertainment at its best
1 Attachment(s)
Version Track - Official Homepage for Tips, Additional Plugins or Special Requests


"One of the most unique AJAX online media sharing service script for advanced webmasters"

Due to high volume of PMs request for support, plus it's unwise to repeat an answer over and over in different PMs therefore, please note :
  • In-Topic Support priority is given to Everyone who has installed
  • Private Message Support is given only to Contributors, Helpers, Donators and Beta Test Volunteers
This is the SEO friendly yet Advanced AJAX powered Musicbox by DnP Network?. It is found by Silveryhat in the late 2008 and early 2009. The original version was first use way back in the '06 or '07 with limited functions and no ajax support. A serious upgrade and rebuilding have been made few weeks ago for this release. Main goal was to make it faster and compatible with all vBulletin forums. This project is the hard work of Silveryhat and DnP Administrator of DnP Network?, we wish to bring the best to the vB community.



DnP Instant! Musicbox is free for non-commercial, non-profit use. Otherwise, please read the Notice at the end of this post.
  • Host supports AJAX
  • Administrator skill level MUST be intermediate, for you must know what you are doing. 70% of the issues was because Admin does not have a clue of the host configuration and what the notice tries to tell them when a problem occurs. Also the other 20% is because Admin does not read the 2-Step Installation Guide carefully. I will not give support for such situations.
  • vBulletin from 3.5.x to 3.8.x
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/Simplified 2-Step Installation :

1. Upload all files and folders under the "upload" folder to your forum root.

2. Run forum_root/install_dnp_musicbox.php to setup new tables to your database. This little friendly webpage is also AJAX supported. Delete it after you have finished installing the data.


[Note] : For Unix host, please make sure the folder you have uploaded the musicbox content to is CHMOD to 666 or 777 (writable) if you receive a permission error during installation.
And, That's all for the installation step!

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ IF you have installed successfully :
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ Read HOW-TO & F.A.Q
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ Mark as Installed for Support - Vote for it.
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ Nominate for MOTM.
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ Was the Installation Process easy ?
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/Customizations :
  • Now proceed to AdminCP ? DnP Musicbox Options to add new categories, artists (optional), and albums (optional).
  • Use the Configuration Editor from Musicbox Homepage ? Administrator's Quick Panel to customize the your personal musicbox !
There is no manual template change needed, unless you would want a musicbox link to show on navigation bar, too.

Access forum_root/music.php to start your musicbox!

Now, it is time to speed up the rest of the introduction. Here's the small summary of DnP Instant! Musicbox with some picture links and one giant screenshot. http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/6941/87132818.gif

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/Features :
* Lightweight, Fast response and 95% AJAX powered musicbox. Supports cross browsers, non-javascript browsers.
* All Ajax links are degradable, SEO friendly with built-in normal URL.
* More than
100+ customizations (and continue to grow each version) to fit your own way. Explore them yourself!
* Allows the creation of Singer Biography , Album Records and Lyric for song.
* Members can
rate the song using Who Like It feature.
* Playlist is built-in. Data is saved on cookie file for fast access and database safe.
* Templates are built-in. No necessary change is required.
Easy installation process. Includes dynamic installation webpage.
* Support your own forum style with
matching style option. No Template editing is necessary. vBulletin Style - Style 1 - Style 2
* [View Screenshot] Flash file from online video services can also be embed. Literally any online video could be inserted into the musicbox. Any question of how, please ask.
* [View Screenshot]
Lightbox effect included. Option can be switched On or Off.
* [View Screenshot] The
Instant! box on mainpage is fully run by AJAX. It conveniently shows many different media stats such as Newest, Hottest, Highest rate or just random. You can even customize how many songs to show, replace the current icons and change the width elements, or the size of thumbnails. Then, you might run into a tough decision to choose the way it should list the song like the screenshot above, because both look pretty good.
* [View Screenshot] The Instant! box also sports a compact layout for a clean and tidy overall look.
* [View Screenshot] Navigation is all ajax powered for fastest response. Categories are organized and nested.
* [View Screenshot] Social Bookmarking Icons are included.
* [View Screenshot] Do your members like to comment (or start a flame war ._. ) ? Yes DnP Instant! Musicbox has a built-in comment system as well. It also runs by AJAX and includes Rating feature. A comment that has too many negative points will not be shown anymore. A good community will tend to unfold itself, well if it doesn't... you can always delete that bad comment in a blink (This kind of blink http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/3098/33872539.gif)
* [View Comment Rating Screenshot]
* [View Screenshot] When
member report links as broken, you can quickly view a list of them in less than 10 seconds. The Administrator's Quick panel is located right in the footer and it runs with AJAX too!
* [View Screenshot] DnP Instant! Musicbox also comes with more than many hidden blocks that they can only be activated from the configuration editor. These blocks can display new topics, new singers or albums, showing announcement, list of friend websites, random songs, etc...Check them out too if you have time.
Admin can moderate media posted by members.
Members can report broken links.
* FLV/MP4 supported.
* [View screenshot] Built-in 14 default supports/guide for Online video sharing services.
* [View Screenshot] Instant! Setting Editor for
quick configuration changes.
Option to compress javascript files for very fast page load.
Allow custom thumbnail for media. You can post a picture to display by default for your video, audio clip.
* [View Screenshot] Allow the customization for Player window look and feel. Be unique!
* [View Screenshot] Turn Off the Light feature for soothing video experience.
* [View Screenshot] Administrator's Note to member on Post page
Instant! Cache system for completely 0 query requested on pageload even with Full blocks activated.* Automatic Anti-Flood System & SQL Inject Protection
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ Demo (Current Version on Demo page is maybe different due to testing purpose) :
As shown on the original homepage (click Continue to pass the firewall protection)
http://silveryhat.com/delynie/music.php or http://music.silveryhat.com/

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/Sample video clips :
http://silveryhat.com/song498 (I will follow him) (Youtube)
http://silveryhat.com/song360 (We didn't start the flame war) (CollegeHumor)
http://silveryhat.com/song221 (Khi con tim biết y?u (Love Paradise)) (DailyMotion)
http://silveryhat.com/song362 (Can't let go) (FLV Player)

Like old songs? Try Search function for these :
500 miles
Never on a sunday
Love is blue
Leaving on a jet plane
Auld Lang Syne
Donna Donna
Knock Three Times
Seven lonely days
Am I that easy to forget
Please release me
I do my crying in the rain
River of no return
The Tennessee Waltz
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/Sample mp3 songs:
http://silveryhat.com/song187 (No turning back)
http://silveryhat.com/song237 (Love Paradise)

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/Member's Instant! Musicbox:
These are great boards that have supported the development of DnP Instant! Musicbox. Some of them has donated money or purchased the branding-free license which greatly encourages further growth of the musicbox itself. I appreciate your kindness and I hope your forum will extend to its best.

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/All Updates and History log

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/Notice: Default theme of musicbox and images are properties of DnP Network?, they should not be used any where else but the musicbox without permission. DnP Instant! Musicbox Copyright notice is not to be removed without a purchase of branding-free version else your domain and forum will be reported to Piracy Report.

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/Paid Request & Branding-free License:
Paid request is optional and available up to demand, because a few of us would want to extend the musicbox ability to another level. Click here to check out what is available.

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/Media Copyrights Infringement :
Please do not abuse the use of musicbox to create an illegal source of music. It's all your responsibility when it comes to these matters.

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/Please be aware : For every Modification, there are always bugs somewhere that the author have not yet found them himself. The same gravity applies for DnP Instant! Musicbox. Though I have manage to solve all the issues before anyone notices, there is still a great chance it's not perfectly bug free. Even vBulletin itself. I urge any kind souls who will contribute their time and effort, will help me improve it for every coming version. Bug reports, Ideas, Feedbacks are truly welcomed.

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/Update : From weekly to monthly per patch. Depend on requests, feedbacks and amount of bugs found.

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/2-Step Upgrade:

1. Upload all files and folders under the "upload" folder to your forum root.

2. Run forum_root/install_dnp_musicbox.php to upgrade tables. Current data will not be lost, only new columns are installed.

[Note] : For Unix host, please make sure the folder you have uploaded the musicbox content to is CHMOD to 666 or 777 (writable) if you receive a permission error during installation.
(..did I just copy almost exactly the two steps of installation here ._. )
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/Additional Plugins (varied authors) :
  1. Comment Block on Forum Home Index plugin (free)
  2. Who's Online Plugin for DnP Instant! Musicbox (free)
  3. DnP Instant! Musicbox's AJAX New Thread on Forum Home Index
  4. Media Block on Forum Home for DnP Instant! Musicbox (Display music list on your forum homepage - Simple version - Free)
  5. Posting Multiple Media Plugin (Quick way to post multiple media to musicbox database $1)
  6. DnP Instant! Box and Playlist on Forum Index (Display music list on your forum homepage - Advanced version - $5)
  7. Branding-Free License Purchase (Remove copyright line at bottom of page and allow the commercial use - $1)

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/Bottom line - About Search Engines, Do they really crawl the content?:
Try this or this for examples.
My site rank is not high enough to beat other big sites, so I would narrow down the search to show that google does see the content of Musicbox.
Keyword : Leaving on a jet plane dnp or Honest Graduation Song dnp, as well as Baby I would dnp.
Here is the site search where it displays everything Google has gathered from the Musicbox : allinurl:silveryhat.com/delynie/music.php

Original Version of this topic can be found at

sebil 06-13-2009 08:03 PM

First download.....

thnks you

DobieGillis? 06-13-2009 08:28 PM

this looks amazing! Tagged!

Limode 06-13-2009 09:08 PM

Thanks. Installed
Cảm ơn bác silveryhat rất nhiều !!!

TimberFloorAu 06-13-2009 09:18 PM

Actually for once IM GONNA give this a go.

May I make a request?

Could we have a REQUESTS section added in, so members can contact admin/mods to manually add preferred tracks to the genre of their choice.


DobieGillis? 06-13-2009 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1829212)
Actually for once IM GONNA give this a go.

May I make a request?

Could we have a REQUESTS section added in, so members can contact admin/mods to manually add preferred tracks to the genre of their choice.


let me know when and if you get this going, mate!

TimberFloorAu 06-13-2009 10:43 PM

Will do, I am gonna wait though, until others have road tested it :lol:

Some of the english phrasing may need tweaking. Seems a shame, members cannot add music files etc.
Im damn sure my music taste aint to everyones liking < "Trance Fanatic"

DobieGillis? 06-13-2009 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1829248)
Will do, I am gonna wait though, until others have road tested it :lol:

Some of the english phrasing may need tweaking. Seems a shame, members cannot add music files etc.
Im damn sure my music taste aint to everyones liking < "Trance Fanatic"

hahaha! You rock, man!

silveryhat 06-13-2009 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1829212)
Actually for once IM GONNA give this a go.

May I make a request?

Could we have a REQUESTS section added in, so members can contact admin/mods to manually add preferred tracks to the genre of their choice.


I have taken the use of the built-in Contact form of vBulletin instead of coding another Request section. Such as shown in this screenshot


However, i'd take note of your idea and if the demand raised there is a chance it would be implemented. At the moment, the Moderating new song feature is being developed at the highest priority because next update is coming shortly.



members cannot add music files etc.
It depends on your configuration :) . They cannot upload to your server but they can add song/video clip that URL is from another host.

nightbloom 06-14-2009 01:08 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I get some of the things you have done... but as an admin, how do I edit the songs members have posted, or delete them, so that I can set up the sub cats? When I try, I get the "do not have permission...." message. Do I have to com pletely uninstall and reinstall to start over?

Yes, I did this..check_user_location_when_post_edit_song

On further thought I think this is just too hands on for me to use. I have hundreds and hundreds of members who all like music of different kinds and this is just too poorly organized and implimented at this time for me to use it.

THis error pops up every time I try to enter a category.
PHP Code:

WarningCannot modify header information headers already sent by (output started at [path]/includes/adminfunctions.php:280in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 3087 

The categories are all together, not nested like they show on the page, so unless you only have three or four genres and intend to never change them, its very hard to keep track.

The admin either has ALL control or almost no control over input. There is no way to alter or edit what members input. If a member wants to add a new artist they discovered, they have to ask me or the other admin to input all the information, way to time intensive on a forum that is busy.

This would however be good for a forum that is about a specific artist or genre... and of course if the admin has all the time on earth to copy and paste code from one place to another for hours on end.

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